Chapter 6.

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Sunday morning

I wake up covering my eyes from the sun beaming through. I look around my room Kamala isn't here. I'm literally under the sheets naked, I don't even remember how I fell asleep. I threw on my robe, and I walked around the house searching but of course she's not anywhere in the house. I check my phone, no calls and no texts. She didn't even at least leave a note, I sigh and make myself something to eat.

I sit down on the couch, turning on the tv and of course the news is on. I see Kamala and Doug doing what they do best, be all over each other. I eat my food turning the channel putting something else on beside watching the news. I couldn't help but to remember how things went last night, watching her moan was like music to my ears.

I ended up taking a walk in the park. I haven't heard from Kamala at all. I was debating if I should call and see what she's up to or should I wait till I go back to work tomorrow. Did our good sex shoot her away?. I feel like last night I did my big one. I just got so many questions in my mind trying to figure out why she left without texting me. But for now I'll just do my best leaving the situation alone.

I go for a run for about 30 minutes, breathing heavily and sweating my ass off. I get a call, I stop running and I check my phone, hoping it was Kamala but it was Bonnie. "Hey Bonnie what's up?". I say breathing heavily. She responds, "Hey tiff, why are you breathing so heavy am I interrupting something?".

I laugh, "no you're not interrupting anything, I was just going for a run that's all". She laughs feeling relieved. "Oh okay good. So how's things going, I miss you a lot". I smile, "I miss you too Bonnie, things have been going okay". She responds, "what about work? Have they been bothering you?". I feel like I wanna tell her all the tea, but it's a lot to get into.

"Work is going good for the most part". I say unsure. She responds, "Okay... um I wanted to tell you that me and Chris have been talking about having a baby soon". I yell in excitement, "omgg a mini Bonnie!, you would be a great mother". She doesn't speak for a little while. "Bonnie is everything okay?".

She sounds like she's crying, my heart drops and I immediately start to cry a little not knowing what's going on. "I don't know.. i.. I feel so bad that I haven't been able to tell my parents any of this". I take a seat on the bench and say, "listen Bonnie... I know they don't support some of your decisions but if you feel like you want to keep negativity out of your life you need to keep on rolling. Otherwise when you allow that negativity in, it's messing up the peace that was created".

She sniffles just listening to me preach, as if I was the preacher preaching about god. "Of course you feel like your parents should be there and support you either way, but if your parents are making this impact on you. You need to put up a wall and block them out, you have been so happy with Chris and you got ENGAGED . Your parents don't even bother calling you to see how you've been, this shows who they are Bonnie. They're not who you thought they were".

She finally speaks up, "you're right tiff.. I can't keep forcing a relationship with them. I'm gonna move on, have a family and go from there. I don't need their support I have enough of that". I smile, "see, now you get it. Wipe those tears and you look in that mirror everyday and tell yourself I'm that bitch". She laughs, "okayyy tiff". The call gets silent, "I'm gonna let you continue your run, thanks for letting me vent to you". I smile, "anytime. Call me always if you need advice". The call ends. I get up and I make my way to my car.

I'm at home sitting in the bath tub relaxing, it's late at night and I wanted to relax and simmer down for the night. I watch my show on my iPad drinking my red wine, I only had two glasses relax. I'm not gonna get super drunk I swear.
As I'm watching my show drinking my wine, sitting in the bath tub with roses. Yes I'm a fancy bitch helloo. My phone starts buzzing, I look over and of course it's Kamala. This is the person I've been wanting to talk to.

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