I woke up to the smell of pumpkin and the smell of freshly brewed coffee. I sat up in bed rubbing my eyes. I grabbed my phone and looked into the camera noticing my puffy eyes. "Fuck.. I look a mess". I murmured. I turned my phone off and I climbed out of bed. I sighed as I walked out of the bedroom as I heard Beyoncé playing.
I wonder if Kamala was in a good mood?. I walked towards the kitchen and I seen her standing there in her apron making breakfast. I smiled as I leaned against the wall watching her. She turned around slowly as she plated our food. Our eyes met.
I couldn't understand her expression. She turned the other way grabbing two coffee mugs. She placed them down on the table, I watched her deliberate movements. She cleared her throat, "are you gonna eat or stand there?". It was a mix of sarcasm and a mix of attitude. Trust me I wasn't in the mood to argue. I nodded slowly as I walked over to the table.
She sat down and so did I. I grabbed my fork and I began eating. We were silent for the most part. She made a few glances at me here and there. I knew she wanted to get something off her chest but she didn't bother. I sighed, "When are we gonna talk about everything?". Kamala took a sip of her coffee and her eyes met with mine.
"We can talk now if you'd like". I nodded slowly as I began. "Well I would like to apologize for the words I used last night. I know they were pretty harsh.. I just have been going through it since the whole Doug situation but that doesn't make it right for my actions so.. I'm sorry baby".
Kamala gave me a reassuring smile. It told me everything I needed to know. I continued, "and I just want to tell you that this whole situation isn't your fault.. the only reason why we are here is because of Doug. I appreciate everything you're doing in order to put things to rest". Kamala smiled as she wiped the tears that were falling down.
I stood up and I walked over to her giving her a hug. She cried into my shoulder softly. I made sure to hug her tightly. I placed a small peck on her head. Kamala sniffled as she pulled away wiping her tears. "I accept your apology baby". I smiled and nodded a little. I walked back over to my seat and I sat down.
We both continued to eat breakfast silently. But I didn't feel anymore tension which was great.
****I decided to put on a black pantsuit with my black heels. I brushed my hair with my round brush as it defined my curls. I fixed my color and I brushed my teeth and reapplied my lipstick. I sprayed my signature perfume and I smiled as I noticed my beauty. Tiffany came up behind me grabbing my waist slowly. I smiled as I leaned in and placed a quick peck on her lips.
"I don't want you to leave". I sighed as I smiled a little. "I know. But I have to get this whole Doug situation figured out. I'll be back in 3hrs or so". Tiffany nodded as she placed her chin on my shoulder. I placed my hand on her head as I pulled her closer as she nuzzle around my neck.
We got interrupted by two loud knocks. We both pulled away instantly. "I love you, I'll see you later". I smile as I kissed her forehead. "I'll see you later baby, I love you more". I said reassuring her. I walked out of the bathroom and made my way to the living room and I slightly pushed the door open. There was my secret agents standing there. "Hello Madam President. Are you ready?". I swallowed hard then I nodded slowly.
I looked back at Tiffany and I waved her a goodbye, she waved back. I stepped out of the door and I walked with my secret agents.
I turned around noticing Doug standing behind me with a bat. I gasped as he hit me over the head knocking me out. My vision was completely blurry and I was unable to even understand what he was saying. Not only was my vision gone but so was my hearing. I woke up sitting in a cold garage with my hands tied with a rope.I looked around nervously as I began to sweat. "What the fuck". I said softly barely above a whisper. I looked around as I heard Doug approaching me. He walked over to this random chair across from me, I watched his deliberate movements. He sat down and sighed deeply as he let out a soft chuckle.
"Good evening Tiffany.. you're probably wondering where you're at. But I'll never tell you that. Obviously". I tilted my head as I narrowed my eyes. He smirked mischievously. "I thought I made myself clear that I was gonna be getting my wife back". My eyes wandered the room as I tried to remember everything. He snapped his fingers. "I'm over here little lady.. You really thought that Kamala was gonna stay with you?. If you thought so you must be on something".
I heard a door open and I heard heels clacking against the cold garage floor. I looked up and I seen Kamala. My eye's immediately widened and my mouth dropped. Kamala walked over to Doug slowly as she sat down on his lap wrapping her arm around his neck. I felt so sick to my stomach I felt myself about to puke. I turned my head to the side and I threw up a little.
My eyes immediately met back with Kamala's. I could understand her expression. Mixed with happiness and revenge. My eyes darkened as I looked at the both of them. "Doug. Can I have a private chat with Kamala?". Doug and Kamala looked at each other for a moment then back at me. He nodded as Kamala got off of his lap he walked off leaving me and Kamala completely alone.
I cleared my throat, "so why are you doing this?". Kamala laughed a little as she let out a sigh. "Because Tiffany. I didn't actually love you. It was just lust, not love.. I mean.. how could I possibly leave the person I've been with for years for someone I met for a little over a few months". My eyes widened as a soft a chuckled came out. "Lust?. Hm.. okay. So if you got what you wanted why am I still tied up?". Kamala swallowed hard as she walked over to me.
****Suddenly I woke up from this drastic nightmare. I grabbed onto my chest as I could feel the sweat on my face, my back and my neck. I sighed deeply as I looked around. "What the fuck?. What kind of dream was that?". I looked outside noticing how dark is was. Before I can get off of the couch I heard the front door unlock. It was Kamala. I sighed deeply feeling a little relieved.
Kamala smiled as she walked over to me sitting down. "We need to talk dear".
_________________Authors note
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