Wednesday morning...
*𝐊𝐀𝐌𝐀𝐋𝐀'𝐒 𝐏𝐎𝐕*It's the morning after a wonderful night. I look over at Tiffany sleeping peacefully. A smile creeps up on my face, I brush her face softly feeling the warmth of her face as she snores softly.
I get out of bed and make my way to the bathroom. I wash my face and brush my teeth. I brush my hair with a round brush giving me the nice silky curls. I lotion my body and I look up and I see Tiffany walking in the bathroom behind me.
She kisses my neck softly hugging me tightly, "good morning baby". I smile as I place my hands on her hands. "Good morning". She stands at the other sink getting herself together. I leave the bathroom so I can get dressed.
After I get myself together I make my way to the kitchen and pour two glasses of coffee. Tiffany walks in wearing a hot pink pants suit with white heels, her curls giving that wet look.
"You look gorgeous Tiffany". I smile at her admiring her, "thank you Kamala, you look good as well". We both smile as we drink our cups of coffee.
We finally make it in the car and drive silently to the White House. I place my hand on hers and it stays like that. Honestly it was peaceful nothing but us just enjoying the moments we spend together.
We arrive at the White House and it's very chaotic. I see a few of my colleagues and I see big gretch. My bestie, "Heyy Gretchen how are you?". She smiles at me, "I'm good Kamala how are you?". I sigh, "I'm good".
She nods. We talk some more after that, I also was waiting to see if Bonnie would show up, I had to get something off of my chest. I see Tiffany conversing with a few important people, I finally see Tim walk in. "What's up mr Tim walz". I say sarcastically, we both laugh and hug each other. "Hello Kamala".
We talk to a few more people. I start to see a few journalists walk in and there was Bonnie. The person I've been waiting to see. I shake a few hands and then I see Bonnie, "well hello Bonnie. The person I've been wanting to see".
Bonnie smiles awkwardly. "Well maybe we should catch up?". She says it as she keeps the eye contact going. I smirk mischievously, "of course. Meet me in my office". She nods as she makes her way to Tiffany.
Me gretch and a few other governors walk straight to my office. We chat about having a combined rally, this would really benefit and be fun.
*𝐓𝐈𝐅𝐅𝐀𝐍𝐘'𝐒 𝐏𝐎𝐕*"What did she want to talk to you for?". I say with a bit of skepticism on my face. Bonnie sighs as she sits down across from me. "I don't know. She said she's been waiting to see me, maybe she wants to catch up".
I nod a little. Why would Kamala be excited to see Bonnie if anything she should be mad for everything she did back in Maldives. I sigh, "well I hope that conversation goes well. How'd the project go?". Bonnie face lits up, "it went great, they actually chose my project for the competition". I smile at her, "that's great Bonnie, why'd they wanna visit Washington?".
She sighs, "because my superrr good project. They wanted to see for themselves, looks like they're enjoying being down here".
I nod, I can't get out of my mind as to why Kamala wants to see her but we'll see how this goes.
The secret agent comes in, "Bonnie. Kamala Harris would like to see you". I sigh and giggle, "have fun". Bonnie sighs as she makes her way out of my office.
I see my door swing open, my eyes immediately meets Bonnie's. "Hello there Bonnie, come take a seat". I place my hands on the desk tilting my head slightly. Bonnie nods as she makes her way to the chair.
"How have you been since the wedding?". Bonnie smiles, "I've been good. We had a great time". I smile nodding as she talk. "Well the reason I've been meaning to see you is because I have a few questions and statements to make". Bonnie nods as I notice her leg shakes a little.
"Well, enlighten me". She smiles awkwardly again. "So why'd you try to kiss Tiffany? Back at your resort". I stare at her and it's not a nice stare. She doesn't say anything she just fidgets with her hand, I let out a deep sigh.
"Well.. me and Tiffany have always had that connection so I thought why not". I chuckle a little, "hm. That's strange because you told her to not forgive me then you decided to try and kiss her. So enlighten me on why you did that". She clears her throat trying to keep her composure.
"Well to be honest Kamala. I really like Tiffany we've been like this since we were kids. Feelings don't just go away". I chuckle a little, "I get that. But you're married now you gotta let go. Are you sure that Tiffany has the same feelings towards you?". She doesn't say anything she just keeps her mouth shut.
"So to be honest, me and Tiffany are trying to build something. So I would like for this "flirtatiousness" to stop". I say with serious tone trying to make myself clear. She nods as she sighs a little, "well I hope that works out for you two". I smile as she dismisses herself.
It's been and hour or so since I've seen Bonnie, so I'm gonna walk around and see if I can run in to her. I walk down the halls staring at all the portraits.
I notice her journalists group was still here so I knew that she's still in the White House. I ask one of the journalists, "have you seen Bonnie?". They tell me that she's at the bathroom. I make my way there and I walk in.
"Hey Bonnie". I see bonnie eyes just as puffy and red. I place my hand on her back rubbing her back. "Hey hey— what's the matter?". She sniffles as she looks up at the mirror making eye contact. "I'm sorry— I shouldn't have tried to kiss you when I knew you and Kamala would be trying to build something".
I swallow hard as I hold back tears. Hearing her voice get all shaky and seeing her cry made me want to cry. Although what she did was wrong but I felt bad, I know Bonnie can't seem to let what we had go but I think it's time to just explain to her.
"It's okay Bonnie.. I know how we were when we were teenagers. Wild and dumb". I giggle a little and so does she as she sniffles. I sigh, "but me and Kamala are together everyday. I love her and she loves me. The only reason I didn't kiss you back was because I knew me and Kamala were moving towards a relationship".
Bonnie nods as she sniffles, she just listens to me. "I know Kamala may have probably seemed a little harsh during the conversation you two had. But she's only like that because when she wants something she protects it and goes after it". Bonnie nods again just listening.
"So I'm sorry that this made you get all upset. I'm not mad at what you did, but I'm disappointed". I say with a frown on my face. She nods as she fakes a smile. "But I forgive you okay?". I say very sentimental.
She lets out a deep breath calming down. "Okay tiffany. Thank you, I'm happy for you and Kamala I really am". I smile and we hug tightly. We stayed like that for a while but then we let go.
"I love you Bonnie". I smile and so does she, "I love you too tiff". We laugh and walk out of the bathroom together.
Authors noteHow y'all feel about this chapter?. Kammy standing on business about Tiffany how y'all feel about that?
Anywho, thanks for reading dont forget to vote for this story and my other one. Thank you my little coconuts 🥥😘