Nightmares 1.

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(Takes place during the  first episode of Season 6)


I was in a dark room that looked vaguely familiar, I tried to walk around but I couldn't move from the spot I was standing. Suddenly a light shined on a chair with a girl in it. She was tied up and her head lolled to one side.

"Hey, I'm going to get you out of this, you're going to be fine," I said to reassure her, but she didn't move. I started struggling frantically trying to get free to help her but I couldn't get out of this invisible hold. 

"Morning Sunshine," I heard a voice say from a part of the room I couldn't see. The girl woke up and sat bolt upright struggling from her bonds to no avail. She screamed for help and that's when I saw her face, she was me. I suddenly remembered the place. This was where Valifar tortured me, tortured Jack. I tried to move but I still couldn't. Valifar came close to me in the chair and caressed my cheek as he pulled out a steak knife. I knew what was coming next. I tried to run, but I couldn't evade the horror before my eyes. He laughed and stabbed me in the knee with a knife, and I saw it over and over again like my dream was on repeat. I screamed for it to stop and suddenly I was in a larger darker room than before. I looked all around and suddenly the spot light hit a man holding a boy up against a wall choking him. I yelled for the man to put him down but he couldn't hear me. suddenly I walk up, not me a different me. She was holding the demon blade, and then the man choking the boy stabbed the boy over and over again. The other me screamed the boy's name but the boy just smiled at her and made a stupid joke and then he died. I screamed and screamed for all this torture to stop. I screamed Jack's name over and over again.

"Harley, Harley, HARLEY!" I heard a voice yell and I felt a shake, then iwas awake in the guest room of Lisa's house again.

"Dean, why are you in here so early in the morning?" I asked.

"Kid you were screaming in your sleep, what happened?" He asked.

"Nothing, I'm fine," I said.

"If you're screaming in your sleep, you aren't fine Ace," Lisa said. Catch you on the flip side, Ace.

"Ace?" I said incoherently. "Oh my god," I said covering my mouth anticipating the sobs.

A figure approached the door, "Hey, what's wrong?" Ben asked.

"Nothing hon, go back to bed," Lisa said and he left.

"What's wrong Harley, you gotta tell me," Dean said and I just pulled my knees to my chest and wrapped one arm around them and kept the other around my mouth and started to cry.

"I'm sorry, I said something didn't I?" Lisa said.

"It's fine she's just been having a hard time, go back to bed, I got this," Dean said to Lisa and Lisa left the room. "I know it hurts, but you have to believe it get's better," Dean said lying down next to me and letting me cry on his shoulder.

"I... still...can't believe it," I said through the sobs.

"It's okay, it's going to be okay," he said rubbing my shoulder.

"Okay?" I sobbed out.


Dean ~

I went back to bed with Lisa after I stayed with Harley until she fell asleep. "What was that?" Lisa asked. "Did I do that? I never want to hurt her, I didn't realize,"

"That's okay, you didn't know. Jack used to call her Ace sometimes," I told her.

"Oh my god, I can't do anything right with her, I wish we could be alright, I wish we could be friends," Lisa said.

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