The Thing That Happened in the Garage. 10.

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As we were driving to Bobby's from the Windigo hunt Dean was acting weird. Once we stopped at a gas station and Sam got out Dean started asking me questions.

"What was that back there, in the cave?" Dean asked.

"I was just excited for the hunt, that's why I ran in," I answered.

"No I mean when you heard the voice," Dean said.

"I thought the Windigo had someone. I could hear them pleading for my help," I said.

"That's all it was?" Dean asked.

"Yep," I said but Dean didn't look convinced. Sam got back in the car and we continued driving. When we got to Bobby's I was exhausted but when Emily spotted me from her window she ran down and basically tackled me. Emily was a nice girl and I think she liked me better than her own brother. I grabbed my duffel out of the trunk and turned around to find Will right behind me.

"So how was the hunt?" He asked a bit resentful ever since I told him he couldn't hunt anymore.

"It went well, busted a Windigo," I said.

"That's good," He said.

"All in a days work," I said sarcastically with a rye smile. I got a chuckle out of him before he left again to go play with his cars. I was tired from this hunt I went straight to my room and passed out without even getting my whole body on the bed.

I woke up the next morning and breakfast was ready, Sam made waffles. I went downstairs wearing the clothes I had on yesterday.

"You pass out before you showered I guess," Sam said.

"Shut up, I was friggin' exhausted," I said.

"Not a morning person today?" Sam asked.

"No I just have this splitting headache," I said and then I fell to my knees in agony as a sharp pain went through my brain. I saw lights, they were different colors. There was loud music playing and I saw something red. It looked like hair, and a laugh I knew all too well. I also heard a lot of screaming and there was a blood red streak and black. That's all I remember before waking up on the couch with an ice pack on my head. I sat up but I was so dizzy I almost fell right back over. I gathered the strength to stand up and walk to the kitchen. Dean, Bobby, and Sam were sitting at the table.

"What the hell?" I asked.

"We think you had a vision," Dean said.

"Well fan-freaken-tastic," I said, "That felt like I was run over by a bus and then put back together with super glue," I said.

"Do you remember seeing anything?" Bobby asked.

"Yeah, colorful lights and music. Screaming and blood," I said but I left out the hair and the laugh until I was sure of my theory.

"Sounds like a club," Dean said.

"Fun," I said.

"So which club?" Sam said.

"One with colorful lights and music, Sam keep up," I said with a small smile but he just looked at me funny.

"This is serious," Sam said.

"Chill, I didn't get the whole story with that vision," I said. "We can start with the clubs in Sioux Falls," I said.

"Okay let's start there," Bobby said. I went back upstairs to get my laptop and saw Emily crying.

"Emily, what's wrong?" I asked.

"My brother hates me," she said through sobs.

"No he doesn't," I said.

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