There's A Knew Prophet in Town 6.

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Harley ~

I was stuck at Bobby's house with Will and Emily, they were good house guests but too good. They would do the dishes and clean everything and dust it, they were making me seem like a lazy ass.

"So why do you guys act like house cleaners?" I asked Will who was alphabetically arranging the books in the library.

"You don't?" He asked as if it weren't normal to not do anything. He saw my confused look and decided to enlighten me, "We're just being nice, what do you ever do for Bobby?" He asked.

"I force feed him when he forgets to eat," I said, " And sometimes I hide his liquor, but he always has more."

"That's not very much," he said with mock sympathy.

"Bobby's going to be pissed when he finds you're reorganizing his books, he has his own special system," I said.

"Crap, I guess I'll stop, do you want to help me work on a car outside?" Will asked.

"No thanks, I don't know anything about cars," I responded.

"Suit yourself," he replied and walked outside.  I thought about following him but thought better of it, instead I went upstairs to read and wait for Dean to come back. He was supposed to be back by yesterday, some hunts take longer than others.

When I heard the impala roll up I ran downstairs to greet them, but they were solemn and gloomy. My face dropped because I knew they lost someone. But still I tried to make conversation, "Hey you guys, how did the hunt go?"

"Lisa won't talk to me," was all Dean said. I suddenly felt really bad for Dean, Lisa was the most important thing in his life, he loved her and Ben.

"Why won't she talk to you?" I asked and he just waved me off. I decided to let it go, after all even if I tortured him he wouldn't tell me. After that we didn't talk the rest of the night. Dean just didn't seem like himself, he showed his emotion for once. We all went to bed around the same time except Dean, he stayed up longer to drink. The next morning I found him passed out on the couch with a lap-top out. I took it away from him gingerly so he wouldn't wake up, and looked at what he was searching. It turned out he found a case, I decided to do more research on it sense I had nothing else to do. He finally woke up around ten o'clock with a start. Everyone was already up by then and Sam was out doing whatever it is he does and Bobby was taking calls as usual, I was still doing research. "Morning sunshine," I said without looking up from the lap-top.

"How long was I out?" Dean asked.

"See, you fell asleep around one and it's ten now, so nine hours," I said.

"Woah, that's the most I've slept in a month," Dean said surprised.

"I know, that's the most you've slept in six months," I said.

"Whatever, what are you doing?" Dean asked suddenly noticing I was on the computer.

"Research," I said nonchalantly.

"Research? That's too bad because you aren't coming on this hunt," Dean said.

"Again? Dean come on this is getting ridiculous," I said being over dramatic.

"You just need time to get your head together," Dean said.

"Your saying I'm not stable?" I said getting defensive.

"I'm saying your not ready."


"Don't Dean me, you're staying," Dean said with finality.

"Fine," I said and closed the lap-top and went out the back door before I could explode. I went to the only place I could think, the Camaro. When I got there I sat down on the hood and took out my picture and stared at it for a while. I knew I had to get over it but I couldn't let him go, at least not yet. Instead I just sat there and thought about how he didn't deserve to die, and how it was my fault. I heard someone coming so I quickly put it in my pocket.

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