The Predictable Part 13.

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As we were driving to Bobby's I was thinking about how Jack is going to be treated. He was dead and now he's not, Bobby is going to find out what happened one way or another and I'm not sure I want to know. I wonder how Will is going to react. I was thinking so hard it brought attention to Jack.

"What are you thinking about?" Jack asked.

"Stuff and things," I said not fully listening.

"Would you like to share the stuff and things?" Jack asked again.

"Nope," I answered and it was silent for the rest of the ride home.


When we got there I stepped out of the car and Will was right there working on the damn car as usual.

"Hey guys, anything good happen?" as Will was saying that Jack stepped out of the car and Will's jaw dropped.

"Who are you?" Jack asked.

"I'm Will, you must be Jack," Will said very politely, too politely.

"How do you know who I am," Jack asked.

"Well Harley talks about you so often," Will said.

"I really don't," I said.

"She really doesn't," Dean added getting the gear out of the truck.

"Harley, can I talk to you in private for a moment?" Jack asked without looking at me.

"Sure," and with that we walked a few feet away to where they couldn't hear us.

"Who is that guy, and why is he here?" Jack asked almost angry.

"Calm down, it's just Will, he's only here because he has no where else to go," I said touching Jacks arm.

"Why is he lookin' at me funny?" Jack asked.

"He is not looking at you funny, get a grip," I said.

"Why don't you talk about me?" Jack asked maybe a little hurt.

"You died and I couldn't handle it, okay," I said bringing his eyes to mine. "Let's just go inside, okay?"

"Okay," Jack said and I took him inside. After that he never seemed to leave my side when Will was around. He was so paranoid, he could barely stand Will even breathing, I could tell he wanted to punch Will in the face.

When I went up to get some shut eye Jack kissed me good night on the cheek just so Will could see, I'm not stupid, Jack knew what went down while he was gone.



"Hey buddy you got a problem?" Will said with a chuckle as I pinned him to the garage wall.

"Yeah, leave Harley alone." I said.

"Oh yeah? You gonna make me?" He asked.

"So help me god, if you so much as look at her funny you're dead!" I yelled.

"Hey man, you aren't even her boyfriend," Will said.

"Who says I'm not!" I yelled back.

"She did man, ask Harley," Will said.

"Whatever, just leave her alone or I'll kill you," I said and I let him go.

"She's moved on to better things, get over it. You were dead a couple of days ago do you really expect her to drop everything and be with you? That's not realistic," Will said and I had trouble not killing him, but he had a point. It wasn't fair to expect Harley to forget everything and be with me. I would have to ask her.

As I walked into the kitchen I could all but taste the tension between Will and Jack who were sitting across the table from each other. "Hey guys what's up?"

"Nothing," they said in unison which seemed to make them even more pissed.

"Did you guys fight or something?" I asked with a giggle.

"No," Jack said.

"Yeah we're just playing a little game," said Will sinisterly as always. I was confused but I knew I had to get them away from each other. "You ready for the hunting lesson?" Will asked with a snide look.

"Actually, I'm not sure those are a good idea," I said with guilt because I knew he really wanted to continue  them.

"What? I thought we had a deal?" He said.

"Well deals can break," I replied as Sam walked in.

"What's going on?" he asked earnestly.

"Just having a little conversation," Jack said with a smug look on his face.

"Who wants oatmeal for breakfast?" Sam asked.

"C'mon Sam, make us waffles!" I said in a little kid voice.

"You need something healthy, I'm making oatmeal and toast,"  Sam said as Dean walked in.

"C'mon Sam make us some waffles!" Dean said with a big smile on his face. Sam just sighed and started making the waffle  batter.

"You got a case for us yet?" I asked.

"Yeah, a small ghost in Sioux Falls. Nothing much just a nascence call," Dean said. "You and Jack can take care of it if you want."

"You mean without you and Sam?" I asked.

"Yeah, it's nothing but if you get a sense something else is going on then you better call," Dean said.

"Sure thing, Jack do you feel like going hunting?" I asked him excitedly.

"A hunt sounds good," Jack said. I looked at Will and his face was full of contempt for Jack but all Jack could do was smile like the idiot he was.

"Do you already know who the ghost is so we can just burn the bones and be done?" I asked Dean.

"No, but you guys go on ahead, while your gone I'm gonna touch up the car, grab what you need from the trunk," Dean said looking at the news. Jack and I hopped up and ran to the Impala parked in fron to the garage.

We opened the trunk and lifted the false bottom and discovered the arsenal. "Wow," Jack said, "The last time we were on a hunt a lone was the-"

"The time you died," I finished and looked down at my shoes.

"Harley, we're going to be fine. I can protect myself and remember I can heal quicker now," Jack said.

"I know, it's just... bad memories," I said and Jack put his arms around me.

"Well then, I guess we'll have to make some good ones." Jack said to comfort me.

"How sweet," Will said walking up to us hugging.

"I'm sorry Will but we can't bring you on this hunt, I don't want to be responsible for your life," I said with exhaustion in my voice.

"I'm coming with, I asked Dean and he said it was okay," Will said, "So ghost hunt? Then we take the shovels and the shells with rock salt right?" He asked but he clearly knew that  was the right answer. Jack looked like he was about to throttle Will so I broke the silence.

"Take this bag," I said hitting the duffle against Will's stomach and he grunted.

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