The Truth Comes Out 17.

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I woke up in another hospital, this one different than the last. It seemed cleaner, it made me feel uncomfortable. I threw off the blanket from my arms and legs and saw that they were covered in stiches. My black eyes seemed to have gotten smaller from the cantaloupes they used to be. I looked at my wrist and it was in a brace, it must have been broken. I was so confused for a second, then I remembered what had happened and with that flood of memories a flood of pain came rushing in with them. It was unbearable and I saw that I could up the dose on the morphine so I did and I immediately felt better than the moment before. I laid back down hard on the hospital bed and put the blanket back over myself before my limbs could get heavy.

"Looks like somebody's awake!" Dean said walking in with coffee in hand and jacket in another.

"Yeah, I wish I stayed asleep, it would hurt less," I said in a sluggish voice.

"Yeah sweetheart, I know it hurts," Dean said sitting in a swivel chair and scooting it close to my temporary bed. "How do you feel?" Dean asked in his concerned voice.

"I feel like hammered crap, how 'bout you?" I said with a sassy smile.

"You think you're so funny," Dean said with a joking smile.

"Yeah, I wonder where I get that from?" I said. "Where are Sam, Bobby, and Cas?"

"They're getting some sleep at Bobby's, are you hungry?" Dean asked changing the subject to me once again.

"Yeah, I could go for a burger," I said suddenly realizing my ravenous stomach.

"No burgers until you get out of the hospital," Dean said.

"Dean! Why the hell not?" I was kind of pissed because I really wanted a burger.

"Because I said so, now loose the attitude," he said drinking his coffee.

"What can I eat?" I asked. Dean handed me a hospital menu. I looked it over, it was all crappy. The only thing that was less crappy was a grilled cheese sandwich with Jell-o. I pointed to it because I was tired of talking and Dean ordered it for me. "When can I get out of this joint?"

"In a week or so, we just have to make sure you're better before we take any chances. This time was bad, Harley, you could've died," Dean said in a grave tone.

"Big deal, I died before, I've almost died before. I could've died and I would've been fine," I said and Dean gave me a look of hurt.

"Harley, I wouldn't have been okay with you dying, or Sam, or Cas, or Bobby. You have people who care about you down here. I can't loose you again," Dean said.

"You did before Dean, you can do it again," I said.

"If you don't care about me then what about Jack, how would he feel?" I didn't answer because what I just said to Dean would be my worst nightmare if the situation was reversed. "Yeah, that's what I thought."

"You don't know how good I had it up there Dean. I had mom, my little brother, and you! You were in my heaven because I love you! I loved it up there, do you know how it felt when I was ripped again from my family? Do you know how that feels? It feels like your world is ripped out from right under your feet, so don't tell otherwise. Of all people you should understand," I said.

"I know how that feels, and I'm sorry you had to go through that but I know that I need you, just as much as Jack. I love you so much and I don't think you understand that. You are my daughter, and I can't loose you, no matter what you believe I can take," Dean said.

"You can take anything Dean, you're the best damn hunter and the best damn person I have ever had the pleasure of meeting," I said.

"What?" He sounded confused.

"You heard me, I'm not repeating myself."

"You really think that of me? I thought you hated me," Dean said.

"Dean, you really thought I hated you?" I asked a bit ashamed of how I had treated him lately.

"No, but I thought you didn't like me, nice to be wrong this time," Dean said with a sad smile.

"Dean, I'm sorry for everything that I have put you through. I'm sorry for being a stupid kid. I'm sorry for not listening to you. I'm sorry for everything," I said as a tear streaked across my face.

"Don't be sorry, If anyone should be sorry it's me."

"You did nothing, you were only trying to protect me," I said thinking of all the fights we have ever had.

"No it something different. Harley, I do remember your mom," Dean said dropping the bombshell like he was thinking of an old friend.

"What?" Another tear streaked down my face hitting my hand with the force of the news.

"I remember your mom, I loved your mom." Dean said not looking at me.

"You son of a bitch! You liar, you said you didn't remember her!" I yelled at him.

"I remember when she told me she was pregnant. I freaked out, and took a drive. I didn't come back for a month, by then she was furious with me because I had left her in her time of need. John, your brothers' dad, was her fiancé at the time and she cheated on him with me. She told him you were his. I tried to stay but when I got back she was already happily married with you on the way."

"You dumb asshole," I said under my breath.

"I tried talking to her but she said if she ever saw me again she  would kill me, so I stayed away," Dean said wistfully.

"Leave," I said in a violently calm voice.

"Harley, ithought-"

"Leave before I call security," I said without looking at him. I could tell his expression was sad but I couldn't bare that he lied tome forso long.

I went back to sleep and didn't wake up until the next day. I was still angry at Dean but... I don't know. I'm having a hard time finding a reason why I should be mad at him. I just didn't care anymore. Nothing mattered to me that much anymore, ever since I've been back. It made sense, I always loved John and I called him dad, but I never really felt that kind of connection with him. I was furious with Dean, he lied to me all this time and he never came by to see me. Ever. Maybe he just wanted a normal life for me, maybe he didn't want me, maybe he didn't tell me because he was ashamed. I don't know, I don't know anymore. Nothing about anything. That bomb came down on me like Hiroshima, it was devastating. I sat in that dank hospital bed until I fell asleep on the thought that hasn't left my mind for hours now. Did he ever care about me?


Sorry about the short chapter but I hope it was a big bomb for you like it was a bomb for Harley. I hope you liked the chapter and I wish you all the best!

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