The Family Business 3.

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Harley ~

When we arrived at the Campbell's place it was similar to a military complex. There were guards at the gates and they had attack dogs ready, all in all it was a pretty cool place. When we walked in it was like a hunter's dream. Guns of every kind including tranquilizers, there were hoodoo bags lining the walls in one room, and there was also a safe room which I thought was a useful thing to have when you have this many hunters in one place.

I found Samuel in the main area, "Good job with hunter's nirvana, props man," I said.

"Thanks, it took a lot of work to collect all this stuff," Samuel said. "It's nice that someone appreciates it," He said the last part louder so Sam and the rest of the people in the room can hear it.

"Hey, let's get your bags to your room," Sam said.

"Yeah, you better go get set up," Samuel said.

"Cool, I get a whole room?" I asked  Sam following after him.

"Yep, it's not much but it's yours," he said.

"Thanks, I owe you one," I said lightly punching his arm.

"You're welcome," Sam said with a chuckle.


Dean ~

"What is it Dean?" Lisa asked me after seeing me look out the window for so long.

"We have to move," I finally said. I wasn't going to take any chances this time.

"Dean, are you sure, I mean you and Sam caught  the thing. There's nothing to worry about," Lisa said.

"There is always something to worry about," I said.

"Well alright, do you have a place in mind?" She asked.

"Yeah, you can take a look," I sad and showed her the computer.

"It's nice, lot's of room and a nice neighborhood for Ben, it looks good," she said unconvincingly.

"You hate it," I said trying to figure out what she was thinking.

"I'm just not sure how Ben's going to take this," she said.

"I'm so sorry Lisa, I wish things were different but," I said.

"But there not, and those things are out there and I know we have to move but what if this happens again?" She asked.

"Then we move," I said simply.

"We can't keep doing this to Ben," Lisa said pleadingly.

"Then we'll cross that bridge when we get there," I said pulling her in for a kiss.

"Fine, I'll go tell Ben," she said and I felt bad for doing this but I know it had to be done to keep them safe.


Harley ~

I was sitting in my room which had a whole book shelf full of books on different  monsters I couldn't wait to read. I wanted to call Bobby and tell him but I figured he probably had the books or read them from a library. I looked out the window and saw a field of tall grass, it reminded me of my heaven, with Dean and my family. I still remember my mom and brother so vividly, they were so young. I could still see my mom's brown hair and my brother's blue eyes crystal clear in my memory, it made want to call Dean. I almost did but I figured he was a little sore about me wanting to join Sam. I know he didn't want to say anything but I figured he was hurt and I didn't want to say how good this place was and make him feel worse. I missed him and Lisa and Ben, they were so good to me. I wasn't exactly a perfect lodger, I had nightmares and I didn't want to talk much, they did nothing but be kind to me and I pushed them away. I was really messed up, I needed my work and now I think I can start healing now that I'm back in the game. I picked a book from the shelf and started reading, I didn't put it down until several hours later for dinner. I chatted with the Campbell's a bit and they really seemed like a family, they were nice and accepting unlike Dean. After dinner I went back to my room and kept reading that lore book when I heard a knock at my door. I got up to open it and it was Samuel.

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