Broken 7.

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"So you're a prophet?" Dean asked not believing.

"Dean, that's what I've been saying," I said.

"Cas, what the hell!" Dean yelled at Cas.

"It's not his fault, Don't yell at 'em," I said still exhausted from my exertion of light.

"Cas, do something," Dean pleaded.

"I can't, if I could I would believe me Dean," Cas said monotonous. Dean just rubbed a hand over his face and frowned.

"Dean, I'll be alright," I said.

"That's what you always tell me before something like this happens," Dean said gesturing to the hospital room.

"Yeah, that's true but I've been alright," I said.

"You call 'in a hospital' alright? You've died once and you've almost died a million other times and you call that 'alright'?" He asked.

"With this life, I do," I said and he just gave me a look of pity." Don't look at me like that," I said and I turned away.

"I have to call Sam, I'll be right back," Dean said and he went out of the room and I was left with Cas and the Looney Tunes.

"I'm sorry this happened to you," Cas said.

"It's okay, it would've happened anyway," I said. 

"I know, I wish I could help," Cas said.

"I know Cas and Dean knows, he's just," I sighed, " Dean."

"I know, I will be back soon. I have to take care of something," and Cas left. I sat there watching Elmer Fudd  chase Bugs Bunny through the woods until Dean came back.

"Where's Cas?" Dean asked.

"Left," I answered not looking away from the Looney Toons episode. Dean just nodded and sat down next to me. "Dean, when can we leave?" I asked.

"In a day or two," he said and I passed out again.


Suddenly I was running, not away from something but just running. It was nice as the cold fall air ran through my brown hair. I was on a country rode, it didn't seem real because Dean would never let me do anything like that. It seemed more from my past but it wasn't a memory. I stopped and turned around to see my mom and little brother, I tried running as fast as I could toward them but they kept getting farther and farther away from me so I stopped running and turned around and started walking away disappointed that I couldn't get to them. I got off the rode and started walking in the forest. I came to an old car, the Camaro from Bobby's junk yard so I walked toward it and looked around the corner to see Jack but it wasn't just him. Valifar had him by the neck and he snapped it in front of me. I screamed and started running the other way but Valifar kept catching up to me missing me by a fingernail. I ran until I bumped into a tree but it wasn't a tree, it was Vetis with her wicked smile. I tried to turn around but Valifar was waiting for me. They cornered me together and made me watch as they ripped me apart piece by piece and I wondered what I did to deserve this. I screamed with agony and squirmed as their hands tore at my skin.

Then I heard Deans voice, "Harley, wake up!"

I opened my eyes to see Dean standing above me with Sam next to him. "Harley are you okay?" Sam said.

"I am now," I said and I sat up. "Can we leave yet?" I asked.

"No you're still not well enough, what were you dreaming about?" Dean asked.

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