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Prologue: "Graduation Chaos"

It was supposed to be a beautiful graduation day. A ceremony full of smiles and emotional tears. But no... Of course, it couldn't be that simple. Instead, the school looked like a disaster zone.

Flames licked the banners that hung limply from the gym walls, and a siren wailed somewhere in the background. But the most absurd thing about it all was that in the middle of the carnage, two people dressed from head to toe in neon yellow were arguing as if nothing was happening.

ESFP, a dark-haired girl, tanned skin, eyes sparkling with energy, pointed an accusing finger at ESTP, a blond guy with ridiculously large sunglasses, who seemed more focused on his haircut than the fire.

— ESFP: "YOU lit the stage on fire with your stupid flambé cocktail, you arrogant jerk!"

— ESTP (sighing): "Oh come on... I was just trying to spice things up a bit. Nobody likes a boring graduation. Look, everyone's having fun!"

He gestured vaguely to the surroundings where, indeed, some people seemed to be having fun... but in a very questionable way. A food fight was raging on the other side of the room. INFP had barricaded himself behind a table, his face smeared with mashed potatoes, while ENTP was laughing maniacally and throwing pieces of cake in all directions.

— ESFP: "Now that's not fun, that's carnage!"

— ESTP (smirking): "Well, that's relative."

Suddenly, a piece of pizza flew across the room and landed directly on ISTJ’s head, who was watching in silent horror. ISTJ pulled a handkerchief from his pocket, slowly wiped it away, then glared at ENTP who was still throwing cookies.

— ISTJ (in a cold voice): “This is going too far. I’ll get the principal.”

But before he could take a step, ENTJ grabbed a megaphone and began yelling into the chaos:

— ENTJ: “Listen up, everyone! It may be chaos now, but in this madness, I see an opportunity. If we stay calm and organized, we can turn this disaster into… a victory!”

INTJ, sitting quietly in the corner, nodded, apparently doing some mental math to turn this situation into an effective strategy.

The chaos intensified, but between the fire, the arguments, and the stolen food, everyone seemed, in one way or another, satisfied with this epic mess.

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