Chapter 33:

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(Ultra-festive intro music, with fireworks, glitter, and a jingle that lasts way too long. The screen suddenly lights up, shakes slightly. The camera is still looking for the host.)

(BOOM! ENFP jumps onto the screen, landing on the desk, arms raised, beaming with excitement.)

— ENFP: "GOOOOD EVENIIIING EVERYONE! And welcome to THE MBTI NEWS, the show where we pretend to be serious while, in reality, we don’t even know what button does what on this set!"

(They pause dramatically.)

— ENFP: "First of all, as you can see, I’m still alive! Despite my chronic lateness, constant topic changes, and complete inability to finish a project, I’m still here, and that, my friends, is a victory in itself!"

(They climb onto the table.)

— ENFP: "ON TONIGHT'S SHOW: Absurd theories, pointless debates, and above all… a lot of yelling. LET’S GO!"


Rumors & Gossip: Do INFJs Really Exist?

— ENFP: "SO! According to experts – meaning me – INFJs are like unicorns: everyone talks about them, but no one actually sees them."

(They lean in confidentially.)

— ENFP: "I’ve heard they’re super deep, mysterious, and can feel everything before it even happens… So I set out to find an INFJ!"

First clue: The library. No INFJs found, but I discovered an amazing book that I’ll probably read… someday.

Second clue: A dark corner of the cafeteria. I ran into an INTJ who gave me a look of pure disdain, so I ran away.

Third clue: Under a blanket somewhere. But every time I tried to lift the blanket, it vanished into the ether.

— ENFP: "Verdict? Still unknown. But I believe, my friends. I BELIEVE!"

(In the background, an INFJ silhouette sighs and disappears into the shadows.)

— INFJ: "He talks about me like I’m some kind of mythical creature."


Crisis in the Student Council: Are ISTJs Secretly Controlling Everything?

— ENFP: "Alright, listen up. I’ve uncovered something HUGE: THE ISTJs ARE RUNNING EVERYTHING."

(ENFP puts on a smug, investigative-journalist expression, fully embracing their role.)

— ENFP: "You thought the principal made decisions? WRONG. You thought the school rules were written by adults? ALSO WRONG."

The truth is, ISTJ is everywhere, filing paperwork, correcting our typos, and making sure the school doesn’t burn down (which is impressive, considering ENFP is around).

— ENFP: "But then, why do we never see them smile? Are they robots? We’ll dive into this theory next week."

(In the background, ISTJ straightens a pen on a desk, looking unimpressed.)

— ISTJ: "I have no idea what they’re talking about."


Weather Report with INFP (and a Lot of Unnecessary Metaphors)

(The screen changes. INFP stands in front of a weather map… which is completely blank.)

— INFP: "…Today, the weather is melancholic. The rain falls like silent tears over a city searching for hope…"

(Silence. ENFP shakes the microphone.)

— ENFP: "INFP. Just tell us if we need an umbrella."

(INFP blinks, looking confused.)

— INFP: "…I don’t know, but sometimes, you have to embrace the rain to truly appreciate the sun…"

(ENFP gives up.)

— ENFP: "Alright, so… it’s raining. Or not. You’ll find out."


Are the ENTJs Establishing a School Dictatorship?

(ENTJ enters the studio in a sharp suit, looking serious.)

— ENTJ: "This is slander. I do not run a dictatorship. I run an efficient, visionary organization."

— ENFP: "Okay, but why is everyone scared of you?"

— ENTJ: (Coldly) "Because they’re inefficient."

(ENFP slowly steps back.)

— ENFP: "Uh… Okay… Let’s move on before I end up on some blacklist. NEXT SEGMENT!"



(The screen shakes. ISTP enters with a lighter and a can of aerosol.)

— ISTP: "Today, we’re going to turn an ordinary pen into a flamethrower!"

(ENFP panics.)


(A loud BOOM echoes from off-screen. The screen flickers slightly.)

— ENFP: "…Okay, not great. Let’s move on to something less dangerous!"

(The screen shakes again.)


Tonight’s Debate: INTJ vs. ESFP

(The image cuts to INTJ and ESFP sitting across from each other. The tension is palpable.)

— ENFP: "Alright, today’s big debate: Should you plan your life or just wing it?"

— INTJ: (Deadpan) "Improvisation is a waste of time. I have already planned my career, my vacations, and my will."


(ENFP bursts out laughing, slamming the table.)

— ENFP: "Conclusion: INTJ is a robot and ESFP is a firework. I LOVE THIS SCHOOL."


Chaotic Closing Segment

(ESFP suddenly grabs the mic.)


(ISTP yells "I’LL BRING THE FIREWORKS!", ENTJ vanishes into a cloud of strategic calculations, INFJ mysteriously disappears, and ENFP jumps onto the table.)

— ENFP: "THIS WAS THE MBTI NEWS! Join us tomorrow for a special episode: ‘Are ISTPs Just Uncontrollable MacGyvers?’ Until then… LET’S GO CELEBRATE!"

(Black screen. Credits roll. An explosion is heard backstage. Probably an impromptu party that lasts three days.)

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