October 12, 2013

639 47 4

Dear You,
Homecoming was so much fun! It was amazing and I felt happy, just like when I went to 8th grade formal. I was dancing and laughing. I felt free from everything. It was a great feeling.
At one point, we did a dance circle and I don't know how, but I ended up being in the middle of it and I was being cheered on. It made me feel confident and beautiful.

One of the weirdest that happened was when I slow danced with a boy for the first time. He wanted to dance with me all night and kept following me around and after insisting I rather not, I gave in. At first, I was nervous because he put his hands on my waist and it felt, weird and awkward because you know, never danced with anyone like that before. Then, my palms starting getting clammy and gross while I had them around his neck. Ugh it was so awkward.

In the end, it ended up being a great night and a night that I, will never forget.

From, Me

Dear You, From, Me [COMPLETED & EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now