Dear You,
Ever since the last time I said anything, a lot has changed. I finally have friends I can rely on. I don't know what happened, but back in December Riahna (my best friend) and I became really good friends, and we started to become close and hanging out and now we are best friends! I hadn't had an actual girl best friend since I lived in Massachusetts. This guy, Jeremiah actually cares about me and it's crazy because we always had this love/hate relationship and to know that he genuinely cares for me even if he's a douche bag is nice. I found out two guys liked me, but I turned them down because I'm not ready for a relationship plus I'm very picky when it comes to guys. Not looks wise, just want someone who can treat me right. Another thing is, I'm not moving. In a way, I'm relieved, another way, I'm disappointed.Hmm what else...oh I'm getting my learners permit! It's exciting because I want to drive now, but I'm also worried I'll fail. Good thing I'm studying for it.
Haha there's so much to say, but I'm just too happy to! I don't know what's gotten into me, but I think I like it.
Didn't I say a new year means new beginnings?From, Me

Dear You, From, Me [COMPLETED & EDITING]
Roman pour AdolescentsIn life, we all have our own roller coaster. It goes up and down and swirls around. We have the greatest moments to never forget and we have our worst memories we try to erase. I wish my life was better than what it became, but the world, isn't a wi...