Dear You [Free Write Version],
yay finally i got some sleep the struggle through well this week was wow crazy im really feeling some pancakes right now and i dont know why i mean i dont even know my mind is weird and strange today was great i literally had a laughing fit at lunch and i was crying so much it really made my day people are weird uh okay than...i honestly cant think of everything i mean anything oh look well its dark outside....oh crap its going to rain...crap...well i dont want else to say....From, Me

Dear You, From, Me [COMPLETED & EDITING]
Roman pour AdolescentsIn life, we all have our own roller coaster. It goes up and down and swirls around. We have the greatest moments to never forget and we have our worst memories we try to erase. I wish my life was better than what it became, but the world, isn't a wi...