January 13, 2014

620 46 4

Dear You,
Sometimes when you miss the old friends you made, you want them back because they meant so much to you. I miss having Jacob in my life. He was like my big brother, always having my back and helping me with whatever struggle I had. Sometimes, I rather be in middle school than in high school. The only thing is, if I did, I would never had made it to where I am now. Who knows, I probably would've been dead, literally, if I was still as depressed as I was a year ago. Some things, we just have to take into account that everything that happens to us makes us who we are now. Yes all of those memories I had there, they made me feel awful, even some of the best ones. Middle school was that phase that everyone was dreading to get out of. I guess I just got the worst part of it, but now looking back at it, it made me who I am today, a stronger person.

From, Me

Dear You, From, Me [COMPLETED & EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now