Dear You [Free Write Version],
ah another day of school AMAZING right no no really im sort of tired and exhausted but yet i feel like we didnt do much today so i got an 88% on my geometry quiz today oh yeah im awesome and your not wait im just talking to myself on a piece of paper darn it i can be so stupid know i feel like a boss today im wearing a patriots jersey like yea theyre the best team ever in the NFL its actually a fact as well well theyre one of the best teams so yea i have 26 days till im 16 and im just stoked <-----if thats even a word...i keep thinking about all these random thinhhs its crazy but cool at the same time itll give me some ideas for stories for me to write and stuff and hopefully my writers block will go away soon like seriously i absolutely hate it considering im in in the middle of writing some stories at the moment i really enjoy it its one of my favorite things to do my goal is to finish a book and publish it oh what a dream that would be:) dreams are truly awesome but in order to achieve them you have to work for it and thats what im going to doFrom, Me

Dear You, From, Me [COMPLETED & EDITING]
Teen FictionIn life, we all have our own roller coaster. It goes up and down and swirls around. We have the greatest moments to never forget and we have our worst memories we try to erase. I wish my life was better than what it became, but the world, isn't a wi...