September 2, 2014 [Free Write]

421 29 2

Dear You [Free Write Version],
im scared im scared that im not going to make it i feel like ever since 10th grade started i havent kept up with everything im afraid im going to fail all my classes im afraid of not making it but im determined im going to try really hard to do what im suppose to do i just need to fix a few things maybe i need more sleep actually i do its really bad i think i only get about 5 hours of sleep tops i need about 8 or 7 thats where i need to start at another thing i need to work on is my procrastination i always have a hard time with that but im determined to work on it this is my sophomore year i cant screw this up i need to work hard and i will

From, Me

Dear You, From, Me [COMPLETED & EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now