Dear You,
Do you ever get the feeling that maybe this life your living, is only temporary and that in the end, life will be better?Well, my answer to that is I used to. I used to believe that everything going on, was to prove my strength. I thought things would get better, if I never said anything and let life just float on by.
I thought the little girl who was struggling 5 years ago after her mom passed would no longer continue through things like this.
I thought the bullying was done. I thought the tears would no longer appear every night before I fell to sleep. I thought the girl who was supposedly "tough" really is tough and can face what's thrown at her.
I'm starting to think that's not the case.
I'm starting to feel like giving up.
I'm starting to realize that my life really isn't one worth living.
I'm starting to understand that no matter what, I always and forever will face some type of obstacle.
I'm starting to look at what's really there and how it's affecting myself and others around me.
I'm starting to believe that I only got one shot, and if I don't take this shot, then I should be dead.I can't be like this forever.
I can't act like these tears will mend everything that's wrong.
I can't forget that I have people who count and look up to me.I cannot and I refuse to show my weakness to those assholes everyday at school or anywhere else for that matter.
I need to be stronger than this, and I can do this.
I know I rather give up and be dead, but I need to stay strong, and I need to believe that things will get better.
I have to believe in something, right?
From, Me

Dear You, From, Me [COMPLETED & EDITING]
JugendliteraturIn life, we all have our own roller coaster. It goes up and down and swirls around. We have the greatest moments to never forget and we have our worst memories we try to erase. I wish my life was better than what it became, but the world, isn't a wi...