November 15, 2015

211 17 0

Dear You,
We have a little more than a week left till Thanksgiving break. In a lot of ways, I'm relieved, but in another, I'm worried, especially for my best friend at the moment.

She's going through a horrible break up and I feel awful about it. They dated for two years and this is the second time he's technically cheated on her.

I wanted to slap him so hard on the face so he wouldn't forget the pain he brought her.

She can't stop crying and she can never stop talking about him, which is completely understandable.

Once break starts, I'm definitely going to be there for her and also pig out because it's food duh?

I'll be relieved too because I need to catch up on sleep I've never gotten since probably the summer time.

Plus a break from school work is going to be wonderful.

From, Me

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