27. King of Roya -2

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As for the big fat man's face, no one cared to see it. He was dead now, and Anos didn't even think about taking one last look at him.

The air in the grand hall seemed to thicken with the stench of death, yet Anos remained unfazed. His sharp eyes scanned the lifeless body sprawled on the floor, his contempt hidden beneath a stoic expression.

"I've never seen what he looked like before, and I don't care to know now. What matters is that he's dead, and that's enough," Anos muttered, his voice cold, cutting through the heavy silence of the room.

The room itself, once a symbol of wealth and power, now seemed hollow. The golden tapestries that hung on the walls had lost their sheen, and the once-polished marble floors were now stained with dirt and blood.

It was a kingdom in ruins, a Kingdom brought to its knees by years of misrule and negligence.

The man who had once ruled it, the "King" was now nothing more than a corpse, a reminder of how quickly power could slip through one's fingers.

After kneeling beside the body and inspecting it for a moment, Anos confirmed the man's identity. His lip curled in disgust as he stood back up, wiping his hands as though the mere act of being near the dead king had sullied him.

"I don't know how this guy survived all these years. As a king, leaving your Kingdom in such a disgraceful state before dying is shameful beyond measure," Anos said, his voice laced with disdain.

He turned sharply toward Losta, his trusted aide, who stood respectfully a few paces behind. Losta was a young woman, her sharp features framed by dark hair pulled back in a tight braid.

She had always been efficient, resourceful, and loyal a perfect fit for the role she played in Anos' court.

"Losta, make sure to take whatever valuables he has left on him. He certainly won't need them where he's going. Have everything sent to the treasury. We'll need every resource we can gather to restore this kingdom," Anos ordered.

"Of course, Your Majesty. I'll handle it personally," Losta replied with a confident smile. She stepped forward, her sharp eyes already assessing what could be salvaged from the dead king's robes. His jewelled rings and the gilded sceptre would undoubtedly fetch a good price.

As Anos spoke, a few of the soldiers behind him exchanged uneasy glances.

Though the man lying dead before them had been a failed king, he had still worn the crown. And now, only moments after his death, his body was being stripped of its worth.

Some of the younger soldiers, still new to the harsh realities of war and power, found the sight unsettling.

But Anos was beyond caring for appearances. The king had brought his downfall upon himself, and sentimentality had no place in this moment. His kingdom had been ravaged enough. Now, it was time to build something new, something stronger.

A sense of grim satisfaction settled over the room. The body of the fallen king was still warm, yet already, the remnants of his reign were being swept away, as if he had never truly existed at all.


Outside the Palace

The palace courtyard was alive with activity, a stark contrast to the cold stillness inside. People milled about, no longer afraid, their faces lit with hope and relief.

The oppressive rule that had hung over them like a dark cloud had finally lifted, and now, for the first time in years, the citizens of the Tru Kingdom felt the stirrings of freedom.

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