To the girlies who think a twisted love tale by a thriller Man would be hot, this one's your invitation. Be my guest and dine!💞📚
"I'll Keep You Close, Even If It Destroys Us Both."
"You cold, murderous bastard!" She spat, slamming both her hands on the office desk.
She knows. He sighed inwardly.
"You really thought that I wouldn't find, didn't you? You killed my father along with the other lives you've taken down just to satisfy your sick hunger for power."
He leaned back in his chair, the faintest smirk curling on his lips. "Well, Good morning to you too."
"Don't you fucking dare! Don't sit there and act all smug like you didn't commit cold-blooded murder! And you sit behind that desk, claiming rulership over a nation, painted by the blood of innocent men you took their lives."
"If you're done yelling, perhaps we can talk like civilized adults."
"Civilized?" She laughed bitterly. "You dare talk to me about civilized. When your actions are nothing short of barbarism! You slimy son of a bitch! How could you ruin his life like that when he's been nothing but loyal to you and your wretched family all his life!" Her voice was breaking at this point.That time when you think you've braced yourself up for the confrontation only for the pain to hit home and you find yourself back to square one, struggling. He was in her shoes just a few days ago.
"You think you know me well enough, don't you?" He stood now, his full height towering over her as he rounded the desk to meet her where she stood. "Your father knew what he was getting himself into, believe me. His choices led him six feet under not me."
"Bullshit! You told me to trust you. God! I can't believe how stupid I was!"
"I won't let you sabotage us, sweetie."
"Us?" She asked, disgusted. "There was never and will no longer be an 'us.'
"You can despise me all you want, tiger but that doesn't change the fact that you are MINE!"
"Go to hell!"
He smiled. "I'll go anywhere you want me to as long as I get to drag you along with me."
"You're insane!"
"I was stupid to push you away thinking I was doing it to save you from danger to being attached to me."
"What?" So that was the reason? Even so. It doesn't change the fact that he was a cold-blooded murderer. He stared into her eyes intensely.
"You and I will never end and believe me when I say this; I'll keep you close....even if it destroys us both."

Storie d'amoreTrapped with your enemy in an underground bunker? Trapped in an underground bunker with her sworn enemy, she finds herself face-to-face with the man who let her father die-the man who holds ultimate power as Russia's Army General. She'...