Breaking Points

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It was during a particularly busy week that everything came to a head. The pressure of her job, the constant anxiety from fans, and her health had reached a breaking point.

After a long day, Amara returned home, the weight of exhaustion crushing her spirit. She sank onto her bed, tears streaming down her face as she struggled to catch her breath.

Why is this so hard? she thought, the feelings of inadequacy overwhelming her.

Just then, her phone buzzed—a message from Wonwoo.

"Hey, are you okay? I've noticed you've been off lately."

Reading his words brought fresh tears to her eyes. He cared. He truly cared.

"I'm fine. Just a bit overwhelmed," she replied, not wanting to burden him with her struggles.

"Let me come over. We can talk, or I can just be there with you. Please?"

Amara hesitated but then felt a sense of comfort at the thought of his presence. "Okay," she finally replied, her heart racing.

When he arrived, she opened the door to find him standing there, a soft smile on his lips but concern in his eyes. "Hey," he said gently, stepping inside. "I brought snacks."

As they settled on her bed, the silence between them was filled with unsaid words, an understanding hanging in the air. "I'm sorry," she finally said, her voice breaking. "I didn't want to worry you."

"Amara, you're not a burden. I want to be here for you," he reassured her, his gaze unwavering.

As she shared her struggles, the weight on her chest began to lift, and Wonwoo listened intently, his presence grounding her.

"You're so strong," he said softly, brushing a stray tear from her cheek. "It's okay to lean on others. You don't have to do it all alone."

In that moment, Amara felt a rush of relief, the comfort of vulnerability wrapping around her like a warm embrace.

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