challenges arise

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As Amara's friendship with the members flourished, she began to face her own challenges. Despite the happiness she found in her work and new relationships, her chronic illness became a looming shadow. There were days when fatigue hit her like a wave, and she struggled to keep up with the demands of her job.

During one particularly taxing week, she found herself feeling overwhelmed, her body betraying her will. It was during a therapy session with Seventeen that the exhaustion crept in.

"I'm really proud of how you're all handling everything," she said, her voice tinged with fatigue. "But it's okay to feel overwhelmed, too."

Wonwoo noticed the way her hands trembled slightly as she spoke, and concern etched itself onto his face. "Are you okay?" he asked, his brow furrowing.

She forced a smile, brushing off his worries. "Of course! Just a long day."

Yet, as they wrapped up the session, Wonwoo lingered, stepping closer. "You don't have to pretend with us, Amara. We're here for you too," he said quietly, his sincerity sending a shiver down her spine.

Amara felt a swell of emotion at his words. Does he really care? The thought warmed her heart, yet it also made her feel vulnerable. She wanted to share her struggles with him, but fear held her back. What if he saw her illness as a burden?

In the days that followed, Amara found herself battling not only her illness but also a rising tide of anxiety. She faced challenges in her professional life, compounded by harsh comments from fans online who questioned her place in the K-pop world.

"Why does she get to work with them?" one comment read. "She doesn't belong here."

Each negative remark felt like a punch to her gut, and despite her attempts to remain strong, she found herself spiraling into doubt. Maybe they're right. What do I know about their world?

One evening, after reading yet another cruel comment, she sank onto her bed, tears streaming down her face. The weight of it all felt unbearable, and she could hardly breathe through the pain of it.

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