Growing Friendship

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As the weeks passed, Amara became a familiar face in the Seventeen dorm. She organized group activities and team-building exercises that gradually brought the members closer together. Her laughter echoed through the halls, and her vibrant personality filled the space with warmth.

She developed a close friendship with Hoshi and Mingyu, who often included her in their playful antics. Their camaraderie eased her transition into the group, but it was her connection with Wonwoo that deepened most profoundly.

One evening, while they were watching a movie together in the living room, Amara found herself sitting beside Wonwoo, their shoulders brushing against each other. The atmosphere was cozy, and a sense of comfort enveloped them. She could feel the warmth radiating from him, and it made her heart race.

"Do you ever wish you could escape this life?" Wonwoo asked, breaking the silence, his voice low and thoughtful.

"Sometimes," Amara replied, her voice barely above a whisper as she gazed into the flickering light of the television. "But I also believe in the importance of what we do. It's a privilege to support others, to help them feel seen and heard."

He nodded, contemplating her words. "You have a unique perspective, Amara. I admire that."

A moment of silence stretched between them, thick with unsaid feelings. Amara could sense his vulnerability, and it stirred something within her—a longing to understand him more deeply.

Yet, amid their growing bond, Hoshi couldn't resist teasing them. "You two are like an old married couple," he joked one day, a mischievous grin on his face as he elbowed Mingyu, who burst into laughter.

Amara felt her cheeks heat up, while Wonwoo's stoic expression faltered, hinting at an underlying blush. "Shut up, Hoshi," he muttered, the playful embarrassment evident in his tone.

"Admit it, you like her!" Hoshi insisted, earning a playful shove from Mingyu, who was enjoying the banter as much as the rest of them.

Amara laughed, feeling a sense of warmth spread through her. Could it be? she wondered, glancing at Wonwoo, whose expression remained serious yet thoughtful.

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