Chapter Nine

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'Sabine's POV'

    I wake up to the overwhelming feeling of being hot, I hiss quietly before jumping awake. I looked over and saw that  Monte wasn't next to me I wasn't in the same room as before, I was in my room at the asylum. I look down and see that there is a fire being held to my arm. I gasped and looked up to see the face of an older man, I didn't know who he was but he looked me in my eyes before removing the fire. " Listen girl and Listen carefully!" He yelled his voice was masculine it was feminine, light like a fairy. "Gods and monsters are all that was but not all that will be, a queen of one is a queen of many, worlds live and worlds die but gods can make them thrive. One queen lives and while another survives, the people will know who tells the lives." They said, I screamed when she pressed the fire to my arm again but this time I actually woke up.

    " Are you alright love?" Monte said immediately pulling me onto his lap and looking me over. I was shaking and when I looked down at my arm I saw a cluster of stars burned into it, looking more and more like a tattoo as it healed. "I had a really weird dream and then I felt like someone was burning me," I said and lifted my arm to show him, he gasped slightly.

    "You were visited by an oracle, they can see the future but they don't dream of walking often. Think hard about what they said." He said I try my hardest to remember before it suddenly pops into my head. "Gods and monsters are all that was but not all that will be, a queen of one is a queen of many, worlds live and worlds die but gods can make them thrive. One queen lives and while another survives, the people will know who tells the lives." I recite, he frowns but takes a few minutes before replying. "They often speak in riddles, but I'm sure it has something to do with what they were doing to you in that prison." He said, I frown but say nothing. I look out the window and see that the sun has started to rise. 

    "I have to prepare you to meet the council, some small things." He said I turned back to see that he was now leaning against the headboard. "Firstly when you meet them, you must bow. With your fist over your heart, as a show of respect, you should not speak unless they are asking you a question, and last but not least you must never take any food given to you unless you have seen someone else eat it first." He said, I nodded, taking in everything they said. I think for a second and look out the window, "I can remember that, but I do want to know if you are going to be with me or if you're going to throw me to the wolves?" I asked, he smiled and moved me so I was sitting up in his lap. " I won't leave your side unless you ask me to, you stuck with me," He said.

    I smile and grab his face with both hands before kissing him deeply, our lips fused. He gripped me at my hips and kissed me deeply, his kiss was demanding almost overwhelming. "Commander, the general would like to speak with you before we leave." We pull apart with a sigh, he looks annoyed as he turns to glare at the door. " Let the general know I'll be there in a moment." I move so I am sitting on the edge of the bed and he moves to stand. I can't help how my eyes run all over his delicious body, he stretches a little giving me a show. "I must meet with Saint but I want to make sure you alright. Is there anything you need? Are you sore?" He said, "I would love a shower and to brush my teeth and my hair," I said dramatically but then realized I probably sounded like I was whining.

"Of course love, why don't you go into the bathroom and get started and I'll be right back with everything you need." I was skeptical about the hair products he'd bring me but I didn't voice my thoughts. Standing up I lift his shirt over my head before handing it to him with a naughty smile on my face. As I went to walk away he gripped me at my hips and spun me around into a kiss. I pull away with a giggle and walk into the bathroom, once the door is shut I feel myself let out a sigh of contentment. The bathroom was tiny but adorable, the tube was older with the shower head being connected to a silver metal pole. After a few minutes of struggling with the shower, I step in and let the water run down my body and was away all of the stress of yesterday. What had my life become, I hadn't heard a peep out of Sin since she made a sudden appearance when I was first taken. All of my normal problems, not being able to sleep, nightmares, the voices, I've almost felt normal since I got here.

     I knew It had something to do with the connections I've been making. It was as if they were taking away all of the things that place did to me and filtering it out, healing me. I turn and let the water run over my dry and likely matted hair, I hear a knock before Monte steps in holding up a small bag of things in his hands. "I brought some stuff that should do the trick I think." He said, I smiled and moved to the edge of the tub and peeked into the bag to see a small container of a jelly-type substance, some shampoo and conditioner. I kiss his cheek and take the stuff from the bag away from him, "Thank you." He smiled and left the bathroom silently. I finish shampooing and conditioning my hair before washing myself before getting out and brushing my teeth with the new toothbrush I'm guessing Monte also got for me.  I styled my hair with the jelly that he'd brought for me, into a cute afro that shrunk up to my shoulders, I made a note to ask him where he'd gotten this stuff, it was amazing. I stepped out of the bathroom and saw that he was waiting for me on the bed. " I wanted to ask to help you dress." He said, I didn't know why he kept offering to help but I wasn't going to turn him down. I nod and he pulls me to stand in front of him, the fabric he has is a green color that I have never seen before it is dark but not quite a forest green and has hits of blue in it. It was long and this time she wrapped it around my waist first making it so the skirt of the dress had two slits in it showing off my legs. For the top of the dress he pulled the fabric so two separate pieces covered my breast, giving me cleavage but not too much. I smile and look up to where he was constrained on tying the remaining pieces into an adorable bow. 'Child something is happening out here,' I hear Azel's voice filter through my head.

    Monte jerks his head to meet my eyes, "Was that Azel?" I look at him in confusion

"How?" I said, he grabbed a pair of sandals and slid them on my feet, they were slightly too big but I knew I could work with it. After he's done I follow him out of the room, past the men in the living room, and out the front door. Azel stood at his full height growling at the tree line, as soon as I stepped onto the grass Silver ran to me, it was comical to watch him skirt to a stop before bending his neck towards me and rubbing his head on my shoulder. 'What's wrong?' I ask him, 'Fae, a lot of them are coming this way.' I turn to Monte to see if he heard what Azel said. He nodded and turned back towards the house. "It is Queen Asha's guard," Saint said as he walked down the steps. "You'd know that if you weren't off running errands for her." He snapped at Monte, Monte laughed and walked to stand next to me. Silver moved over just slightly allowing Monte to stand behind me.

"I can tell it's bothering you," His tone was teasing. "Why is the Queen's guard here? Didn't you say we were gonna make it there today?" I said Saint turned his gaze to me. "She knows that we changed our path and the way we are going is more dangerous, she wants us to take you to a lab in the capital before we take you to meet the council." I frown, "A lab?" I question, "To get your blood work done." I feel Monte grip my waist, Silver whimpers quietly before standing and turning towards Saint with a growl. "I don't want to go to another lab, to be poked and probed again." I said, "General!" A deep voice calls out from behind us. Saint looks as if he wants to say something but decides against it before turning to where the voice came from.

"Commander Silas," He said, I looked over to see a tall, slender, bald man. He was wearing some sort of uniform, the top had lots of pockets while the pants had none and it was all black. He did the bow that everyone does showing his respect before he turned to me with a glare in his eyes. "Commander Monte," He said nodding to him and turning back to Saint before Monte had a chance to say anything. I feel irritation through our connection, the man seemed to get under his skin. "As much as I respect the Queen, Sabine has said she doesn't want to go to the lab," Monte said turning to Saint, I moved back closer to him when everyone turned to look at us. "Well she doesn't have a choice," Commander Silas said aggressively.

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