Slayer No More Part 2

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When the episode reopens from the intro Buffy just announced her resignation to whole gang 

Xander: You're quitting? 

Xander: You're quitting? 

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Faith: B come on. If this is about your sis bailing on you back in LA just give her some time. She'll come back around. 

Buffy: Time doesn't heal all wounds Faith

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Buffy: Time doesn't heal all wounds Faith. I had enough time to know....they never come back. 

Faith: What'd you talking about? Buffy: I use to think Riley would come back after enough time

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Faith: What'd you talking about? 

Buffy: I use to think Riley would come back after enough time. But he didn't. Not until he was a married man. I hoped Angel would come back if he ever broke his curse. But he's still a vampire and he can't be with me without loosing his soul. I gave my own father time to come back....and he didn't. Not even for my Mom's funeral....until he took Dawn from me. I have nothing now. 

Willow: Buffy that's not true. You have us. 

Buffy: I know but.....I'm sorry. I just can't take loosing anymore. So I'm done. DONE.'re in charge of leading them again.

you're in charge of leading them again

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Buffy The Vampire Slayer Season 8Where stories live. Discover now