Perfect Life Part 2

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Cutting back to current reality at LA High

Dawn and Sarah once again seen on school grounds as Dawn told her she finally confessed her love for Connor last week 

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Dawn and Sarah once again seen on school grounds as Dawn told her she finally confessed her love for Connor last week 

Dawn and Sarah once again seen on school grounds as Dawn told her she finally confessed her love for Connor last week 

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Sarah: You said it? You finally said it? 

Dawn: It just.....came out. I didn't even know what I was saying when I said it. 

Sarah saw the blush on Dawn's face 

Sarah: I take that ain't sunburn on your cheek. 

Dawn: Sarah stop. I can't even shake how things are gonna take from there now. Plus I don't know when I'm suppose to take the next step. I mean if I was still living with Buffy I don't she'd be on the best terms. 

Sarah: And when you say the next step

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Sarah: And when you say the next step......

Sarah: And when you say the next step

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