The Chosen One Is BACK!! For her brand new adventure like NONE other feathering the returning characters from the show Xander Harris Willow Rosenburg Dawn Summers Faith Lehan and Ruper Giles and out of the Angel Series joins the gang of Sunnydale Co...
The twelfth episode opens right where the last one ended where Buffy and the Scooby Gang confronted Andrew for Dawn had discovered he had been lying all this time and murdered Giles and Robin and taking the Slayers off their back
Buffy: All this're still a sad but murderous rat. Just like your buddy Warren.
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Andrew: Buffy's not what you think. I---
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Buffy: Shut up! Your lies aren't gonna save you this time. Dawn heard everything.
Andrew: But how?
Dawn: I followed you and Spike to the docks that night you were tracking the Slayer that escaped the hospital. You told Spike I was attending an Italian School when I'm in attending in Los Angeles. You even told him you talked to Giles which is how I learned you were the one who killed him. And when you threaten Angel with a handful of the Slayers you been swiping from us. You even told him we don't trust him and YOU are the lowest of wrong. I heard EVERYTHING.
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Andrew: Buffy---Buffy--I can explain.
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