The Will Of Truth Part 4

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To insure Andrew doesn't escape again Buffy had to stake the vampire in the cage down in the cellar

And they threw Andrew in there locking him up in it Buffy: Consider this a preview of where you'll be spending the rest of your life in

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And they threw Andrew in there locking him up in it 

Buffy: Consider this a preview of where you'll be spending the rest of your life in. And you better get use to it. Cause for Giles Robin and Xander I'll make sure you NEVER get a parole! 

 Cause for Giles Robin and Xander I'll make sure you NEVER get a parole! 

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Andrew: Buffy come on. I didn't had a choice okay? He would have killed me if I didn't do what he said. I didn't want to die.


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Andrew: I didn't kill Xander though....that was Cassie. 

Buffy: Cause she was there to save your sorry ass when we ambushed you at the Observatory. 

Andrew: Buffy if I could take it back I would-----

Buffy: I've had enough of hearing your lies! When this is over I'll be back to turn you over to the Police. 

Buffy storms back up stairs leaving Andrew scared and sad that karma is now hitting harder than before 

Buffy: Willow? Soon as I leave set up a barrier. None of the other rouge Slayers are busting him out this time and he is NOT getting out till we turn him in.

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