Youth Part 7

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Later on back at the Observatory the coven arrived and made a circle around little Buffy and begun chanting 

Later on back at the Observatory the coven arrived and made a circle around little Buffy and begun chanting 

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Connor: You sure they won't hurt her? 

Connor: You sure they won't hurt her? 

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Willow (As Amy): No. They're professional witches they taught me the real ways of magic after my dark times. They can even help switch me back when we go after Amy. But with my powers I don't know if we all stand a chance against her. 

 Dawn: We stopped Glory before Willow

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 Dawn: We stopped Glory before Willow. We can stop her too. 

Willow (As Amy): She was Ben when we stopped her Dawnie

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Willow (As Amy): She was Ben when we stopped her Dawnie. Giles.....suffocated him. 

Dawn: Dammit. 

Sarah: We'll find a way. We got to try. Charlie's with his sick dad and an apocalypse is the last thing they need. 

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