The Chosen One Is BACK!! For her brand new adventure like NONE other feathering the returning characters from the show Xander Harris Willow Rosenburg Dawn Summers Faith Lehan and Ruper Giles and out of the Angel Series joins the gang of Sunnydale Co...
They called Willow to have her open a portal for them to Europe and all met up back at the Observatory where Connor gave them a drive he downloaded what he found on the Immortal and Willow was amazed on what he found
Willow: Connor this....this actually tells us everything. These date back to the fifteenth century. The Immortal's time actually dates back when the Italian Renaissance were spread across the Western Europe. During a war between kings and dukes The Immortal's real name was lost in time but he was born in Rome in 1455. Part of an Italian Empire. Almost right around Dracula's time while he was still Vlad The Impaler.
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Connor: I said the same thing. I think they were buds in their time.
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Willow: Well that's possible but Dracula is from Romania. The Immortal was in Rome basically most of his life before he was what he is today. But what made him into the Immortal was part of some....ancient society. They were inspired of legends of the elixir of life and....the fountain of youth.
Buffy: Fountain of youth? You mean it actually exists?
Dawn: What doesn't?
Willow: Apparently this society conjured some kind of harvest ritual where the Immortal was their subject. Apparently they killed him.
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Buffy: They.....killed him?
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