Revelations Part 2

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Opening back up where the gang were once more distraught 



And now their longest friend....Xander was killed by the second Psycho Slayer only this time they knew the truth 

Buffy kept tearing up 

Remembering when they made up after learning about her and Spike

Remembering when they made up after learning about her and Spike

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Willow was broken giving she knew Xander the longest

Remembering when he stopped her from destroying the world

Remembering when he stopped her from destroying the world

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Dawn couldn't hold anything back 

It made her think about when he told her she was extortionary 

Buffy was gathering wood as Faith came by Faith: You alright B? Buffy: Not now Faith

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Buffy was gathering wood as Faith came by 

Faith: You alright B? 

Buffy: Not now Faith.

Faith: B. He fooled us all not just you. We're gonna get him for this. That I promise. 

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