The Immortal's Pawn Part 3

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We cut to Buffy's old apartment in Rome

Where Andrew and The Immortal return discussing his part to drive Angel and Spike off their trail 

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Where Andrew and The Immortal return discussing his part to drive Angel and Spike off their trail 

Immortal: Now remember. Angelus and William will be in here by nightfall and this place will be the first they'll search for Summers. And what do you tell them? 

Andrew: That you and Buffy are together

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Andrew: That you and Buffy are together. 

Immortal: Exactly

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Immortal: Exactly. And make it more convincing. If they smell any suspicion they'll get wind of of our plans and everything's ruined. And I'll make sure I kill you slow before they ever get to that sword. 

Andrew: Y---yes sir. 

Immortal: And remember.....when it comes to William The Bloody do NOT provoke him with the Slayer. Brake BOTH of their hearts. INCLUDING Williams. They BOTH must not know our plans. And if you snitch even HINT! Your skin will be ripped off your bones. 


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