The Chosen One Is BACK!! For her brand new adventure like NONE other feathering the returning characters from the show Xander Harris Willow Rosenburg Dawn Summers Faith Lehan and Ruper Giles and out of the Angel Series joins the gang of Sunnydale Co...
We open back up to an aftermath of carnage in the lobby of Immortal Industries it was filled with dead coworkers and bystanders even cell phones rang in from a distance
Andrew was beyond terrified while sitting at one of the lobby chairs
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As the Slayers under the Immortal's influence stood by emotionless
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The Immortal was angry and scared his plan to kill Buffy before failed like the others
Even worse Layla was dead and Dracula was out of his reach again there was no more holding back anymore knowing his disease from the First would soon grow again and without a witch to heal him......his only option was killing Buffy
But knowing Buffy had the Sword Of Light now the odds were completely against him
Either die by not keeping an evil deal OR be slayed by the Slayer
It was time to make a desperate tempt
Immortal: We're out of time. My immortality now draws limits. The Slayer now holds the only weapon to my destruction. And pretty soon she'll march in here with her with her own army of Slayers and burning my tower to the ground! My immortality the SOURCE of my title in this country is now at it's LAST limit! And either I let it drain away or she slays me with the Sword of Light. The Elders are now mocking me in DEATH! Well it's time I did the mocking for a change. ANDREW!!
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