Episode 21 The Will Of Truth Part 1

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The 21st Episode  opens in the cellar of the Hyperion Hotel where a vampire was locked in the cage that held Angelus almost two in a half years ago 

The 21st Episode  opens in the cellar of the Hyperion Hotel where a vampire was locked in the cage that held Angelus almost two in a half years ago 

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Buffy had captured it on her patrol last night and her Willow had been trying to figure how the spell to turn vampires back to humans worked 

Willow: I haven't found anything on Wesley and Fred's diaries other than that prophecy.

Willow: I haven't found anything on Wesley and Fred's diaries other than that prophecy

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Buffy: But how did you even change that one from before? 

Buffy: But how did you even change that one from before? 

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Willow: All I did was touch it. And then something in made it glow and.....it changed. It didn't even remember how he died as a human. 

Buffy: Just like Angel. 

Willow: What? 

Buffy: When you first restored his soul he didn't remember anything he did as Angelus. Or felt he hadn't seen me in months. Just right before I had to kill him.....when you restored his soul. He didn't remember anything after we---well. 

Willow: Ohhh. I see. Maybe when a vampire's soul is restored their memories as a vampire leaves their memory system. Did Spike have amnesia too when his soul was restored? 

 Did Spike have amnesia too when his soul was restored? 

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