Rolling to that evening Buffy Willow and Faith were on their way back to the hideout unaware of what surprise awaited them
Faith: Well Team Slayer strikes again.Buffy: Another chalk up win for the good guys I guess.
Willow: You guess? That was like the biggest monster since the giant snake from graduation.
Faith: You'll have to forgive B. She's been pretty negative during this.
Willow: What's wrong?
Buffy: I don't want to talk about it.
Willow: Buffy we use to talk about everything. What's going on?
Buffy: I think I rather talk about it inside.
Soon as they came up the porch and opened the door they saw the place was a mess
Buffy The Vampire Slayer Season 8
FanfictionThe Chosen One Is BACK!! For her brand new adventure like NONE other feathering the returning characters from the show Xander Harris Willow Rosenburg Dawn Summers Faith Lehan and Ruper Giles and out of the Angel Series joins the gang of Sunnydale Co...