Premonition Part 3

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Back at Buffy's apartment Xander and Willow were about to head back through portals as they promised Buffy to have more answers only problem was.....

.....The Immortal's abilities was beyond her experience 

Willow: I'll do everything in my power to break The Immortal's hold on you Buffy but it make take time. His abilities are not magic related not my expertise. 

Xander: So in the meantime Buff just keep your distance from him

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Xander: So in the meantime Buff just keep your distance from him.

Xander: So in the meantime Buff just keep your distance from him

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Buffy: Easier said than done Xander. He knows where I live. And I can't afford to move again. 

Xander: Well then come with me to Affrica then

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Xander: Well then come with me to Affrica then. We can find Riley together. 

Buffy: Xander. 

Xander: Sorry! Sorry. 

Buffy: Look the only ones you need to find are Slayers. And even if you find Riley I don't think he's gonna have time to socialize married or not. 

Xander: Yeah I suppose so. 


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