Dinner and Wedding Talk...

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Chapter 19: Jill's POV

I finish my makeup and put on my new necklace and a new pair of earrings and my new Michael Kors watch, "Ready to go monkey?" I nod slipping on my nude Louboutins; I really need to branch out on my shoe designers. "So, where are we going?" he grabs my hand, "I don't know the name of it, but I love eating here, it's gorgeous." I lean into him walking with my head on his shoulder, "you tired? He asks kissing the top of my head, "Just a little jetlagged, I'll be fine." I smile up at him reassuringly.

We get to the restaurant after a short 15 minute drive in the jeep Liam got for the trip, which made me so happy. "So, why did you want to have our nice dinner the first full day?" "I was thinking we would work on wedding planning." I look up at him in shock, "You. You want to work on wedding planning?" We get to the doors of the restaurant and Liam gets us a table outside. He pulls out my chair and I sit down, "so, what do you think we should start with?" I shrug my shoulders, and pick up the wine menu, "I don't know, don't you think we should talk to the planner for this stuff?" The waiter comes over and asks for our drink orders, "bottle of your best white wine please?" Liam speaks up before he walks away, "and a scotch, neat." The waiter walks away and I just look at Liam,


"Since when do you drink scotch? And how do you know how to order scotch?"

"I though I'd try something new, that's all."

"Babe, I don't know what I want to eat. What are you getting?" He looks up from the menu at me, "I'm thinking about getting the Carpaccio for our appetizer, and then skipping straight to the meat course and getting the chateaubriand, then going straight to dessert and getting the tiramisu." I look down at the menu, "okay, we will share that then." Liam laughs at me and the waiter comes back over to take our order, Liam orders for us and he pours my wine then leaves. "I would just like to toast to you, because I love you so damn much." I lift up my wine glass and clink it against his glass. He takes one sip of his scotch and I see an instant look of regret. "I knew you would hate it, here have some wine." He takes my glass and I usher our waiter over for another one.

By the time dessert rolls around neither of us want any of it, but we push through anyways, and I don't regret any of it. Liam drives us back to the villa because I'm a little tipsy. "Li, can we go night swimming?" He opens my door for me and picks me up carrying me inside, "we can do whatever you want. Let's go change and then we can go to the pool." We get into our room and he throws me on the bed, going over to get my bathing suit and his and I put it on while he puts his on in the bathroom. Once we are done we head out to the pool. Liam grabs my hand and pulls me along with him into the pool. Once we come up out of the water, I swim over to Liam and wrap my arms around his neck as he picks me up by my butt. "So, how did you like dinner?" I peck him on the lips, "it was good, but I'm so full I'm exhausted." He starts kissing my shoulders softly, "do you want me to call our planner then? You can go on to bed." I nod and swim over to get out of the pool, grabbing a towel for Liam and me. "Go on in, I'll be there in a bit," he kisses the top of my head and pulls out his phone, "you sure? I can stay out here with you, I know how much you hate talking to her." He smiles at me, "I don't want you to be too tired though baby." I walk back over to him and sit down. "I'm staying, I gotta make sure you aren't actually calling your mistress." He sits down next to me putting his forehead on mine, "I would never, ever. All my heart, all my life is yours." He finds Cynthia's name in his phone and puts it on speaker. "What time is it there? You guys should be asleep." Liam rolls his eyes, "it's 10:00 at night here, now what new stuff have you got for the wedding?" I giggle at how much he hates having someone in control of our wedding. "Well, I have found some new venues, and I have found the perfect florist for the flowers Jillian wants. I also discovered a perfect venue for the reception." Liam looks at me, "okay, what's he names we will look them up and get back to you tomorrow." She gives us the names and I put them in my phone.

"Baby, put the laptop away, go to sleep." I reach over Liam, who is lying on his side trying not to wake me up, I put my head on his shoulder, "I'm just trying to look at these places for you." I wrap my arm around his abdomen, kissing his shoulder. "Bear, just go to sleep, we can look at it in the morning, it's midnight. I just want you to cuddle with me, I can't sleep until you do you know that." He shuts the laptop and puts it on the table next to the bed, "Why didn't you just say that?" He turns around and wraps me in his arms, the only place I'm positive that I'm safe. "I love you baby, go to sleep, you need it." I close my eyes and fall asleep to Liam's steadying breaths and heartbeat.

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