The Calm before the Storm

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Chapter 4: Jill’s POV

We’ve been in Australia for a few days now, and I love it so much here.  Seeing Liam with his nieces and nephews and everyone is so special for me, I have never seen him so happy before and I hope that one day I can give him a family of his own like he wants.  I’m snapped out of my thoughts by someone wrapping their arms around my waist, “would you like to go shopping my love?”  I turn around to reveal Liam, staring at me like a happy little puppy that just got a new toy.  “Of course I would, then Starbucks?”  He looks at me confused, “is there any other thing to do?  That’s not even a question.”  “Oh my god, Liam Keith Hemsworth, you are such a white bitch,” I lean up to kiss him on the nose, “you have no idea.”  I wrap my arms around his abdomen and he wraps his around my shoulders, as we walk to his truck.  “Where are we gonna go shopping?”  He reaches over for my hand, “I was thinking of just going to little boutique type places because you seem to like those and never get to go to those since we are always at The Grove, which costs me a lot of money,” I look up at him smiling, “well, I always try to pay for myself, but you always insist on doing it.”  “That’s because I wanna show you how much I love you.”  “I love you too, I guess.”  He throws his head back, and covers his face with his hands, “I brought you all the way to Australia to meet my parents and you’re gonna do this to me, now, wow, wow.  I didn’t think this could happen.”  “Sorry babe, that’s how life works.”  We pull out of the driveway and head into town, “you know I’m only with you to jumpstart my career in acting, and because you have a super hot body that’s perfect for sex.”  He looks over at me laughing a little bit, “I know for a fact that that isn’t true because we haven’t even had sex yet.”  I giggle at him, “is that a bad thing?” he shakes his head, “no, when you’re ready to, it will be perfect, and romantic.  You’re the first person I’ve dated that I haven’t had sex with, within the first two weeks of the relationship.”  We pull up by the first store; it is a really cute little place, with home décor and things like that.  We get some outdoor party stuff for at Liam’s house, and a cute little sign that has a kangaroo on it.  Then we go to some clothing stores, where Liam buys me way more than what I even wanted.  And by then, it’s time for lunch, so we go to get some fish and chips, and enjoy the weather. 

 “Have you ever pet a kangaroo?”  I shake my head, “I came close to it once but it ran away from me,” Liam laughs at me, and he puts some money on the table; grabs my hand and takes me back to the truck.  “I’m gonna take you to a park where you can interact with a bunch of Australian animals, because I know how much you love kangaroos.”  This is the best day of my life, oh my god, kangaroos are my favorite animal ever.  When we pull up, Liam tells me not to move, he walks up to meet with some guy, then comes over to my side and opens up my door helping me out of his truck.  “Jill, this is my friend, Jonathan, he is going to take us to see everything.  We even planned out something else that only you get.”  I grab Liam’s hand and start walking to the animals, “so, over here, we have our emus, they’re not the cutest, but I find them very beautiful.”  Jonathan leads us over to a door to go inside when Liam stops us, “Jon, I told you, she hates birds.”  I had no idea that’s what they were, “yeah, I uh, I am deathly afraid of birds.”  “Oh, I’m so sorry, I completely forgot, let’s just go to the kangaroos first then.”  I hand Liam my phone so he can get pictures and videos and everything, to capture this.  “Jon can you take a picture of the two of us?”  He takes my phone and gets a picture of us lying on the ground with it.  Then, when we go to the koalas, we get a picture of me holding it with me and Liam kissing it.  We sent it to Jen, and Ashley with the caption, “Our beautiful baby girl.”  Ashley ended up posting it on instagram and twitter.  We head back to his house to eat dinner with all of his family; I think that we are cooking out tonight; which we have been all week.  “Liam, when are we gonna eat like Vegemite?”  I guess he’s never been asked this before, because he looks startled, “you actually want to try Vegemite?  I don’t think anyone voluntarily will try it.  Let me make you a cheese sandwich with it.”  He goes into the house to make the sandwich and when he comes back out, everybody is watching me to see my reaction.  It really isn’t that bad, just really salty.  “I like it, it’s refreshing.”  Liam puts his arm around me and kisses my cheek, “god, I love you.  I can’t believe you like it, you’re more of a chocolate person.”  “I mean, I would eat Tim Tams over anything any day, but yeah, it’s good.”  Chris laughs, “Well, when have you had Tim Tams?  They’re not sold in America.”  Liam puts his hand up, “I found somewhere that does, and it’s in the middle of Hollywood, in a very small store that I can’t remember the name of.  I will take you when we are both back there.”  After about twenty more minutes of talking, Liam and I set the table since the food is ready, and we all sit to eat.  “Okay guys, we have a surprise for everyone tomorrow since I know nobody is busy, since it is Australia Day tomorrow, we thought that we should do something fun,” Leonie says, “So, we are going out to Phillip Island to have a game day, and picnic and just have fun.”  Liam and Chris exchange competitive looks, “the teams will be couples, and the kids will be on their own team.  Liam and Jill, Chris and Elsa, Luke and Samantha.”  Liam grabs my hand, “just so you know, I’m very competitive, baby.”  I whisper into his ear.  He wraps his arm around my waist, and puts his lips near my neck; “don’t do that to me, not right now.”  He picks me up and carries me over to the sand behind some trees, where his family couldn’t see us, “Oi! What are you doing Liam?”  He runs back out after setting me down, “we will be back in about, 5 minutes, I have to tell her something really important.”  He runs back, and crashes his lips into mine, “Liam, your family is 20 feet away.”  He puts his hands on my hips, “it’s not like we are going to have sex, I just want to kiss you,” I put my lips back on his, he moves a hand to my head, and gently tightens his hand around my neck.  “Is this what you guys call talking?”  I look up and Samantha is standing there, laughing.  “Sorry, we will come back,” Liam says nodding at me to stand up, I put my arms up, and he picks me up carrying me back to the table.  We sit down and continue eating, when all of a sudden there’s a loud thunder noise, “it looks like it’s about to storm, get everything inside, Jill take the kids in.”  I nod, grabbing Sasha and Tristan, and the girls follow in after me. 

 “Alright, sit down over here, we can just have a picnic inside, it can still be fun right? I will be right back, I’ll go get your food.”  I walk over to Liam to get the kids’ food, “would you like my help with the babies?” he asks kissing me on the top of my head, “yeah, sure.”  We walk back to the babies, and I feed Tristan while Liam feeds Sasha, because he insists on taking Sasha.  Whenever I see Liam with his nieces and nephews, it makes me so happy, they’re so cute.  “What?” he asks me, smiling, “nothing, you just look really cute with Sasha.”  “And you look so beautiful and perfect.”  I smile, looking down at Tristan who has finished his bottle completely, “Elsa, do you want to take Tristan?”  She walks over taking him to Chris, to play.  Harper comes over to me, and sits down in my lap, “do you like having Jill here, Harper?”  Liam asks her, “Yeah, can we go shopping one day together?”  I look down at her, “of course we can, do you wanna go with all the other girls?”  She nods her head, and then gets up and walks over to Luke to sit with him, “are you excited for tomorrow Li?”  “We are gonna crush them, we need to come up with a strategy, I will find out what the games are, and we can go from there.”  I can’t help but laugh at him, “Okay, you are way too competitive.  Why don’t we just go with whatever, so we have more time to be with each other, and not so stressed,” he takes Sasha over to Elsa, and then comes back over to me, “come with me, I wanna show you something.”  He takes my hand, and we walk outside to the beach, “when I was younger, I never really knew if I wanted to become anyone big, I never wanted to have a long lasting relationship, but when I met you; everything changed, I can see myself marrying you, and having kids with you.  I love you,” we stop at a rock formation, and I turn around to face him, “I love you too, I want to do something for you,” I kiss him, tugging on the collar of his shirt, “really? Here?” He picks me up, and carries me back to the house, I get down and walk down the stairs to Liam’s room in the basement.  “We will be back later mom, we are just getting some stuff then taking a drive!” he yells up as he walks down the stairs.  “Okay, grab some blankets, and some clothes, and I will get some drinks, and snacks.”  I grab everything and put it in a bag, and go back upstairs to the get in Liam’s truck.  He walks out a few minutes later with a cooler, that he sets in the back.  “Okay, let’s go, I wanna take you to my favorite place, it’s an abandoned little house, it’s gorgeous.”  We get there about 20 minutes later, I get out of the truck, with the blankets, and Liam has the cooler, I walk up to him holding his hand, “did you come here when you were younger?”  He nods, “now the girls play here, I am guessing they love it,” he takes the blankets and starts to set them up, “I put some champagne and strawberries in the cooler, you can get them out if you want.”  I go over to the cooler to get the strawberries, there isn’t any champagne, “Liam, there’s no champagne; you put beer in here, though.” He chuckles softly, “sorry, I knew there wasn’t any, I just wanted some beer, my mom won’t let me drink more than 2 bottles around the babies.”  I shake my head, and get two bottles together with some strawberries.  I go over to the blankets and lie down next to him, “so, are we really gonna do this tonight?”  He puts his hand on my waist, “honestly, I think that it will make us stronger as a team, tomorrow during our game day.”  I move my drink over and lean into Liam, “is that what you’re telling yourself?” I say just before kissing him. 

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