Love Can Make Anyone Go Mad.

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Chapter 3: Jill's POV

 After getting my nails done, which was an hour and a half of women drooling over my boyfriend, which was irritating, but he was really sweet like always.  We head over to my apartment, to get my suitcase and pack my necessities.  "Your apartment is so bright and clean."  I walk into my bedroom, "probably because there's so many windows overlooking Santa Monica."  He stands in the doorway, one arm resting above his head on the frame, and the other on his hip, "do you love living here?  Like, would you ever leave this apartment?"  I shrug my shoulders, "I honestly don't know, I love living in the heart of the most exciting city in the world, but I haven't had any better offers."  He walks in lying on my bed, "what about living with me?" I was so caught off guard, I dropped all of the clothes in my arms, "oh, uh, I umm I haven't thought much about that." He gets off my bed laughing, walking over to help me, "hey, it's fine, if you say no, I won't be upset, I understand, you decide what you want to do.  I lean over kissing him, "thank you, I just I love this apartment so much, and I don't think I wanna leave just yet.  Also, I hate houses; they're too much for me.  You could move in with me, and you can still keep your house, we can just use it for parties and stuff."  "Is that what you want?  Are you ready to move this fast?"  I nod, looking up at him, "yeah, I love you Liam."  His eyes instantly light up, "that's the first time you've said that to me.  I love you too."  He gives me a small kiss on the lips, and I finish packing, and we head back to his place to sleep, since it's closer to the airport.  As soon as we get into his room, I collapse on the bed, as he lies down next to me, I fall asleep with his cute little, pink lips on my shoulder. 

 I wake up slinging my arm across the bed, searching for Liam; only the bed is cold where his body should be.  I get up throwing on a pair of shorts and Liam's sweater, and walk downstairs.  "Hey, we leave in an hour, so you need to shower and get your suitcase finished."  He says as I walk over to where he's sitting on the couch, "you look exhausted baby, did you get any sleep?" I sit, straddling him, I grab his face; kissing him softly, yet passionately.  He grabs my back tightening his grip on me, he moves his lips down to my neck and shoulders, I pull away from his running up the stairs, laughing.  "What the hell?" I hear him coming up behind me grabbing me by the waist.  "I need to take a shower, Liam."  He picks me up, carrying me to the bathroom, "I do too, so I will join you to save time."  He says looking down at me, winking, as he sets me down. 

 After our shower, we get dressed, I'm wearing a slouchy shirt that is actually Liam's, tucked into some joggers with a cardigan and my hair is in a messy bun with no makeup on, seeing as how it's a 20 hour flight.  Liam is taking longer than me, because he's fixing his hair.  By the time he gets done, I have loaded the bags into his car, so it would save time.  We get to the airport and go through all of security, with 20 minutes to spare.  By the time they call first-class passengers I had just opened up my email to check on stuff at work, Liam grabs my hand, "2 weeks, and no work.  Get off your phone and look at me, you promised; no work."  I look up at him apologetically, "I'm sorry, I wasn't thinking."  We board the plane and Liam is instantly out, I feel like I should sleep too so jet lag isn't too bad. 

I'm woken up by Liam shaking me and telling me to get up, very aggressively.  "What the hell do you want?" He kisses me on the cheek, "I'm bored and I wanted to talk to you, or watch a film, I found out that they now have The Winter Soldier, and I know how much you love Captain America."  I put my head on his shoulder, linking my arm around his, "I will watch it with you."  He gently puts his hand on my face, rubbing circles around my cheek with his thumb, "okay, if you fall asleep, you better not drool on me."  I sit up, and punch him in the arm, "ow, what was that for?"  "You being an asshole."  He looks at me with that stupid smile on his face.  I put my head back on his shoulder, as he pulls up the movie.  I love watching films like this, they're so amazing.  By the time the movie is done, there's only about two hours left on the plane, so I fall back asleep with my feet on Liam, and my head on the window. 

 "Jill, Jill, wake up sweetheart, we are about to land, and you have to put your seatbelt back on."  I sit up, fastening my seatbelt, and sliding my feet into my sandals again.  Once we land, Liam gets my carryon out and we get out of the plane, "my parents and brothers are picking us up, I thought I should tell you that."  How the hell am I supposed to meet his family after just getting off a 20-hour flight?  "Liam, why didn't you warn me?  I could have at least put on a little makeup on the plane."  We stop and he pulls me over to the side, "I don't want them to meet you with a whole bunch of shit all over your face, because I love you without it, and that's what they need to see."  I nod, kissing him.  I grab his hand and we walk to baggage claim, as Liam checks his phone to see where his family is.  "They're right around the corner, are you sure you're ready for this?"  "I've never been more ready to meet my boyfriends parents in my life, because I love you.  Also I will be meeting Thor, so."  He laughs and we walk around to where they are.  "Uncle Li.  We are over here!"  His niece Harper yells, "I see you baby, come here!"  She runs over to him, and jumps in his arms.  I don't understand how this one man never ceases to amaze me.  "Harper, this is Jill, do you want to say hi?"  She smiles at me as I walk over to them, "hi, Harper, how are you?" She reaches her arms out to me, and I take her from Liam, "are you going to marry my Liam?"  Before I can even open my mouth, Liam speaks up, "hopefully one day baby, maybe."  I walk over to the rest of his family, putting Harper down; I was overwhelmed by hugs and welcoming words.  "Jill what is it that you do?  Liam told us that you met at Starbucks."  His dad asks me, Liam puts his arm around my waist, "well, I am a film producer at LionsGate and I am producing one of his new movies."  I feel so awkward because I feel like I am an outcast, coming from America, I put my hand on my hip so I could grab Liam's hand, squeezing it, and he leans over and whispers softly in my ear, "just relax, it's okay, they love you."  I nod, "okay, let's go, we are exhausted from the flight, and I wanna go out to the beach and show Jill some of my favorite places."  We walk out and I get into the car with Chris and Luke, so that his parents wouldn't just be questioning me the whole time, so they took Harper with them.  "So, I can tell that you guys really do feel something towards each other, and I'm glad that Liam has finally found happiness again; but that can cause problems with his fans. Have you guys gone public yet?"  Chris asks us, "We will be soon, just after her vacation.  Why?"  Liam looks almost angry, which is odd.  "Well, I don't want the fans and haters to be the reason that you guys end things, when there are two people that are truly in love and one of them is in the spotlight all the time; it can really take a toll on one's emotions and psyche."  Liam grabs my hand, "but we aren't like that, Jill would never, she knows what could happen, and we don't care what they say because we don't even look at shit like that."  I rub his hand, soothing him, "Liam, Chris is just looking out for us; we should be grateful, don't get so upset."  He turns to me, "I love you," he then looks at Chris, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to get mad," Chris shakes his head, "no worries, love can make anyone go mad." 

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