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Chapter 13: Liam's POV

It's been about 12 weeks since we found out that Jill is pregnant, I've been in and out of the bathroom with her holding her hair while she pukes. I am so insanely happy about her pregnancy, but Jill is definitely anxious about it. "Sweetie, how are you feeling?" I ask walking into the bedroom, "I feel like a billion butterflies are fluttering around in my stomach, and not in the good way..." I sit down on the bed, rubbing her back,

"Well, how would you feel if I told you that your favorite person in the world that isn't me is downstairs?"

"Is it Chris? Not your brother, but the other one?"

"Yep! I told him to come up here in 5 minutes."

"I have to pee, I will be right back." I head back downstairs and tell Chris to go up and wait on the bed, I have to go out to the store to get Jill's lotion. "Liam! Jill, she's bleeding!" I drop everything and run upstairs. "Jill, baby what's wrong? I'm here." I see her sitting on the floor, and I grab her hand, "Liam, it hurts, this isn't right..." I pick her up, carrying her downstairs, "Chris, call the doctor! We need to get her to the hospital. Drive us there, please, help me." He drives us to the hospital and I get out of the car with my shirt covered in my fiancé's blood. "Would somebody help me? My fiancé is bleeding!" I look down and Jill is starting to close her eyes, "no, baby stay awake, look at me. Don't stop looking at me." Some doctors come up and take her away from me, but I don't let go of her hand. "Sir, we need you to please wait right here, everything will be fine. I will be out in just a second to ask you questions." I have the biggest lump in my throat and I feel a few tears slip, "please just help her and the baby, just please don't let anything happen to them." The woman walks away leaving me with nothing but a reassuring smile. I slide down the wall, sitting on the floor with my head in my hands just crying.

"Mr. Hemsworth? May I have a word?" I get up after sitting on the floor crying for an hour while Chris went to get some stuff for Jill. "What's going on? Are they gonna be okay?" She looks down at the floor, "Jillian will, yes-" "what? What about the baby? Fucking tell me what's going on. I'm sorry, I just I need to know." She grabs my arm and it catches me off guard, "no need to be sorry, it's normal to react like that. I'm sorry, but there was a complication, the baby didn't make it. I'm so sorry." I fall to the ground not knowing what I'm supposed to do, "did you tell her? Or do I need to?" She sits down next to me, "I can do it, if you need... I'm so sor-" "yeah, you're sorry I know, I'll do it, it's fine. If my friend Chris comes back please tell him to tell my family." I get up walking into Jill's room. I look at her, and she's so pale and weak, why is this happening? She doesn't deserve this. "Jill, baby wake up." She looks at me with the sweet innocent smile I love. "Li, is everything okay?" I shake my head, still half smiling, "no, sweetheart it's not. The baby- the baby didn't make it." It took everything I had not to fall onto the ground into a crumbling mess of tears, I just walked over to her bed grabbing her and holding her as we cried and did nothing else for an hour. "Liam, Jill; I'm sorry for interrupting, but I just heard..." I look up to see Sebastian standing at the door with Kayln. "Kayln, I need you." I move out of the way so Kayln can take my place, as Jill asked for. "Liam, how are you feeling?" Sebastian asks moving over to the corner of the room with me, "why do people do that? Ask if you're okay, when they know you aren't? All I know, is that this isn't what was supposed to happen, I was supposed to have this life that she deserved after all of this other shit happened to her, now we can't have that." The only thing I can think about is Jill right now. "Liam, it was your baby too, you're allowed to worry about yourself." I look over at Jill, "but you were the mother, I was just a supporting character, you're what's most important." I walk over to her bed, "Liam, I'm important to you just as much as you are to me, don't think for a second that you don't matter in this situation."

"Oh my god, are you guys okay? We just heard, I'm so sorry guys." My parents have apparently just walked in the room, which woke up Jill. "Mom, thanks we are fine, just please don't be so loud and apologetic, I'm tired of people apologizing." Jill sits up in the bed, and grabs my hand, "I'm sorry Leonie, we've just had a big day, and Liam is exhausted, he hasn't slept. Thanks for coming, I really needed you guys." I take Jill's hand, kissing it, "I'm not exhausted okay? I'm pissed, I'm having just about the worst day I've ever had, and I really would appreciate it if people would stop apologizing, or telling me that everything is gonna be fine, or asking me if I'm okay! My baby was never even born before it was taken away from me! My fiancé is clearly in pain, even though I'm the only one who can see it, and I don't even know if I CAN sleep tonight!" I fall onto the bed with my head on Jill's lap crying until I fall asleep.

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