Old Wounds...

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Chapter 17: Jill's POV

Liam and I are almost done packing for our vacation, I'm so excited, I've never been anywhere in Italy before. "Liam, can you bring me that backpack I bought the other day?" I'm trying to get everything we need out of the bathroom, while Liam is in the bedroom,

"The one you bought as a carryon instead of a purse?"

"Yeah, I also need a smaller suitcase as another carryon, please."

"I'm glad you said that, I actually went out and bought you a new one-" I look over at him and he stops talking, "but I didn't need a new one babe." He goes under the bed and pulls out the Ted Baker luggage set I've been eyeing for the past month or so, "Liam, how did you know?" He sets them down on the bed, "I borrowed your laptop a week or so ago, then saw it on your favorites page, so I asked Elsa where I could het it and she gave me the store, so I went to get it." I walk over to him, running my fingers through his dirty blonde curly morning hair. "You're so sweet, I can't believe you bought me all of this, honey." He kisses my shoulder; "I want you to know how much I love you, and how much you mean to me, so I thought I would do that for you. Plus, I know how chicken you are to ask me for stuff like this so I figured that was the best way to do it."

"Alright, do you guys have everything? Do you need me to get something? Are you sure you're okay to go on this trip?" Josh and Claudia drove us to the airport so now Josh is having a panic attack, and thinks I'm unable to travel. "Josh, we are fine, Jill was given the okay to travel by our doctor, and everything is fine. Don't worry about us. We just need to get away for a bit, that's all." He hugs me and then Liam, "Josh, really everything is gonna be fine, thank you so much though. I love you, see ya when we get back." I grab Liam's hand and we head to board the plane. "Baby, have you figured out what you want to do while we're in Italy?" We stop at the front of the gate with the rest of first class, "I don't know, there's so much to do." We hand our tickets to the stewardesses, as one of them winks at Liam, he tenses and tightens his grip on my hand, "calm down, baby, it's fine." I rub his hand with my thumb to calm his tension.

About 8 hours into our flight, Liam wakes me up to ask if I'm hungry, "babe, I just want to sleep so I'm not jet lagged when we get there, they are 9 hours ahead of us, remember?" He laughs, interlocking my fingers with his, he looks down at our hands then looks at me, "how did I get so lucky to be able to have you as my fiancé?" I flip my hair, "I don't know, I'm just super amazing." He does his cute little half smile smirk, "I'm serious, I love you baby, and you're the best thing that has ever happened to me." I take his face in my hand and press our foreheads together, "I feel the same way about you, all my heart, all my life babe. Me and you." I lean over onto his shoulder and fall back asleep.

I wake up to Liam nudging me, "buckle up, we are about to land." I nod, slipping on my sandals and buckling up. I then put my hair into a messy bun and take off my sweater putting it in my backpack. I grab Li's hand because I hate landing so much. "Hey, it's okay, I'm right here, remember?" After we land, Liam grabs our carry-ons and we exit the plane. "I can't believe we are here, it's been so long." Liam says putting our luggage down at a chair, "you sit here and I will go get the rest of our luggage and a car." I sit down and pull out my phone posting a video on Snapchat about us landing. I look over and see someone who looks kind of familiar, but I can't quite put my finger on where I've seen him before. "You ready? I got us a car, and I think you'll like it. Jill, you okay?" I snap out of my thoughts, looking up at him, "hmm? Yeah, I am ready to go."

"What's wrong?"

"I just thought I saw someone I know." I look over again, "wait a second, I do know him. That's my ex boyfriend. Huh..." the next thing I know, he's walking over toward us, and Liam grabs me by the waist, tightening his grip. "Hey, Jill oh my god!" I hug him and right as soon as I let go, Liam grabs me again.

"So, how have you been Camden?"

"I've been really good, actually I heard you're doing amazing though!"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, you followed your dream, you've got a great guy. You're life is exactly like you planned."

"Oh, yeah I'm really happy." Liam tightens his grip once again, and I move my hand down to his, rubbing it softly with my thumb. "I also heard about your pregnancy, I'm so sorry. If you ever need anything, I'm here." He puts his hand on my shoulder, but I shrug it off. "You're the one that left me, remember? I was at your parents' house waiting for you; we were eating dinner when you never came! Then I found out you were off fucking my best friend!" Liam pulls me over facing the other direction, "maybe, let's not let him start our vacation off this way?" I hear Camden laughing behind me, "okay, listen we really are just trying to get away, so if you could please just go, that would be great." Liam pushes me forward trying to rush me away, "yeah, always one to hide behind someone else, still doing that?" I turn around, "you are the one who never backed me up in any situation and now I'm realizing just how stupid I was, you've always been a cheater." I turn back around grabbing my bag, "Because you were boring, you never wanted to do anything but stay at home and watch movies." Liam turns around now and I grab his arm, "babe, don't do anything that will give you anymore bad publicity than what is out now, you already might lose the new movie. Please, listen to my voice babe." Camden starts laughing again and Liam grabs our suitcases and I grab his backpack and mine.

"I can't believe this place! How did you find this villa babe?" I grab his shirt and pull him closer to me, "I came here with Josh a couple years ago while we were promoting one of the movies." I reach up to place a light kiss on his lips. He moans, "Oh, what did I do to deserve that, huh?" I kiss him again, "for doing everything that you do for me, for never giving up on me, I love you Liam Keith Hemsworth." He taps my nose, "I love you, Jillian Renee Smith."

A/N: The picture I put in is not the luggage I described in the story. I just found this picture and had to use it.

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