The Resolution...For Now

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Chapter 8: Jill's POV

It's been a week since Liam has been released from the hospital, Kayln went back to Georgia a couple days ago; I feel bad for her, because I never got to hang out with her just the two of us, but her and Sebastian really hit it off.  Liam claims that he's fine, but he is really weak and isn't talking much to me.  "Liam, can we please talk about the accident?  You're supposed to talk to the police, that was the only way I was allowed to take you home," he is lying down on the couch with his head in my lap, "Jillian, please, you have to believe me, can't we just go on a vacation to somewhere that isn't so busy and crazy?"  I rub his beard and he quietly laughs at my obsession with his facial hair, "Li, you can't leave until you make a statement.  Please do this, it will make you feel better, and it will relieve me of all of this worry."  He sits up, "I don't want you to be stressed, it's just-"  "Liam, I just want you to stop ignoring me, you've barely talked to me since Kayln went back home."  He puts his head in his hands, "I can't do this, it's hard to be around you, and they could hurt you at anytime.  I can't help you, they are too strong."  I pull him into me, and calm him down, "okay, we will get a security system set up, if that's what it takes for you to go to the police."  He lifts his head up, "Thank you, I'm sorry, I love you so much."  I say it back to him, and he leans up and passionately kisses me.  "What was that for?"  He smiles at me, "uhh, probably because you're so amazing."  I move back to his lips, and let out a small moan, "okay, let's go, you are talking to the police so we can stop worrying about you."  I pull him up off the couch, and throw on my sneakers, while Liam puts on his shirt and shoes.  He grabs my hand and we walk out the door, "I really am sorry that I was ignoring you.  You're right, I should have just gone straight to the cops."  I stop right before getting in the car, "A 'thank you' and a 'you were right', Liam Keith Hemsworth, I don't think I've ever been more turned on by you." 

We walk out of the precinct and get into Liam's car, "can we go get lunch? I'm starving, like I really want some pizza."  He laughs and outs his hand on my leg, "sure thing, how about we also go to Starbucks?"  "Okay, but that's not even for me, you want some tea don't you?  Thanks for going to the police by the way, it meant a lot to me."  He pulls into the parking lot of Pizza Hut, and gets out to run over to my side and opens my door for me.  "I know it meant a lot to you, that's why I did it.  I didn't want to at first because it was so hard for me, but when I saw how much less stressed you were when we got there, I figured it would be the best thing to do." 

After we go to Starbucks and Pizza Hut, Liam and I head back to my place to watch a movie, "what movie do you want to watch?"  He falls down on the couch, "Breakfast Club, I will make some fruit and get some champagne."   I go over to my movie collection and then start the movie.  "It's been years since I've watched this movie, oh my god."  I sit on the couch leaning on Liam with his arm around my shoulders,

When the movie ends, I look over and see Liam asleep; I get off the couch and grab a blanket throwing it over top of him.  I lean down and kiss him on top of the head, grabbing my shoes and heading out after leaving him a note.  I go over to Josh's house to talk to him about the situation.  I pull into the driveway then walk up to his door, "hey, what's wrong? Where's Liam? Is he okay?"  I fall onto him, crying into his shoulder, I don't know why I start crying, it isn't like anything is wrong, "he's fine, he's asleep right now.  I just needed to update you, he went to the precinct to talk to the police in charge of this case this morning," he rubs my back and leads me into the living room, "I just am so scared he's gonna leave, because he is afraid that they will come after me."  Josh pulls me down, laying my head down on his lap, "Jillian, the last thing Liam is gonna do, is leave you.  I have never seen him the way he is when he's with you, trust me.  Also, why did you guys go to the cops this morning, you already talked to them."  I sit up and look at Josh, confused, "we haven't talked to them yet, I had to beg Liam to go, who told you that?"  He stands up off the couch, "Jillian, I got a call yesterday saying I didn't need to worry about it anymore, because I called the other day about getting a detective on the case, and they said to stop worrying because Liam went up there 2 days ago."  I pull out my phone, "Josh, Liam was in bed all day with me, 2 days ago."  I dial Liam's number and start out of the house, "Josh, come with me, I need to go check on Liam."  "Wait, why is this such a big deal?" I get in my car, "Because, someone who isn't a cop called you to make sure you wouldn't worry about, or check up on Liam.  Get in your car, and follow me there." 

When we pull up to my apartment building, Liam is standing outside with a police officer, I run up to him and just hold him as tight as possible.  "Where have you been? I've woke up and you were gone, I thought-" I put my hand to his face, as he leans into it, "I'm not going anywhere, I promise.  I'm here with you."  I walk over to the police that Josh is talking to, as he explains what was going on, "I want both of you out of town by tomorrow, come by the precinct tonight and get your temporary relocation info.  Call whoever you need to call to let them know, just don't give anyone any details."  When the police leave, Josh comes into my place to help us pack.  When we get a little over halfway done, Liam heads over to the precinct to get our information, while Josh and I finish packing up.   

"Hey, baby, what's wrong?  You haven't said a word since you got home from the precinct."  I ask Liam walking out of the bathroom and climbing into bed.  "I just don't wanna have to leave California right now.  Especially since we have to go to Kansas.  Why Kansas?"  I grab his face and kiss him, moving so that my head is lying on his chest, "I don't care, I talked to Colton the other day, and he said if we needed anything to talk to his brother."  Liam put his arm over my shoulder draping it down to where his hand is resting on my hip.  "Okay, I just don't want you to have to miss so much work, I know how much you love it."  I close my eyes and then lean up off of him, "I'll be fine, and I'd rather be with you where I know you're safe, than be at work without you."  He takes his hand and places it on my chest, "I just need you to be safe and healthy, that's all I need Jill, please don't go too far into this case."  I put my hand over his, "I'm not going anywhere, and we already talked about this.  I love you, for the rest of my life.  As long as I live, all of my life."  He moves his hand and put his head on my shoulder, " I love you too, all of my life."  He wraps his arm around my abdomen, as he closes his eyes, I turn off the light next to the bed and reposition myself so we are both comfortable, and fall asleep.  

A/N I wanted to use the picture that I used, because I really needed a picture of him cute and cuddly, Teresa Palmer in no way has anything to do with this story!

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