Kia's getting a lawsuit when Irdaktin offers to pay for her co-worker's damage at her workplace. He shows her a future where her healing skills save him and his Biehshah Colony. Garat, Minister Of Leheren, threatens rulers hosting Biehshah Colony. N...
I've been working on fleshing out my characters in this story. Here's what I have so far!
Kia Chevrolet Garfield
"Kia Chevrolet Garfield." I hated my name until Mama reminded me that Kia is a girl's name, not just a car. She was asleep when they brought the birth certificate in and Dad filled it out. He always thought it was a good joke. I'd never name a baby after cars! The Garfield was a car made by a tiny company that repaired them, between 1904 and 1905. They only made a couple hundred, so nobody knows about that.
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Kia Chevrolet Garfield, 32, is a Cashier from Atlanta, Fulton, GA, USA, Earth. She is unmarried with no children and has had a lot of education. She's been known to say "I don't need to be working 3 jobs, anyway!" Her goal: Save Ry'nao, Emperor Of The Seven!
Brown, straight hair with silver at her temples. Dark circles under her eyes. Blue eyes. 5'9" tall.
Kia is extremely extroverted, always on the go, living outside her mind in the real world. She is full of life, living out loud. Imaginative and charming. Lives for new and exciting experiences. However, at this level, she is not interested in experiences she considers detrimental to herself or others. The reason Kia lives so much outside the mind is that there's something inside she would rather not deal with, whether it's a tragic event during childhood (see background) or simply a lonely childhood that caused a lot of anxiety. This sub-type is people-oriented, enjoying contact and interaction with other people. There's an underlying understanding of tragedy, so she will bond quickly to others who suffer, trying to lift them up and distract them the way she distracts herself.
Kia's character flaw is based on the incorrect belief that suffering can be avoided indefinitely. During the story, she learns that always focusing on the positive is limiting and, although she seems to be living life to the fullest, she's actually missing an important part of life - the dark side.
When she's under pressure, she becomes rigid and self-limiting. When she's relaxed and secure, she takes time to think things through.
Kia may suffer from Adjustment Disorder with Disturbance of Emotions An adjustment disorder is when a person has difficulty adjusting to a big change in his or her life or is having difficulty dealing with a past stressor. A stressor is anything that causes a great deal of stress in the person's life, positive or negative, like getting married or losing a job or loved one. The stressor's over, but the person is still being affected by the change. This character may not realize the past stressor is causing the condition. People with this version of the disorder show marked distress in excess of what would be expected from exposure to the stressor or things that remind them of the stressor, including symptoms of depression and anxiety as well as behavioral problems.