"Deb." Ryee nodded. He must be exhausted!
She rubbed his hand. "Hi."
"Oh, let me go get him! Pirad grew him a bit so he's on solid food. He can eat FFbah now." She ran out.
Ryee cried and Adia cried. I felt awful! They had to leave their kid to go fight intergalactic war?
But she ran a baby to them. Dark curls, a full head of hair. And he opened blue eyes. Smiled. Maybe Zheien babies smile earlier. Nice deep orange skin.
Adia stopped crying.
Ryee groped for Deb's hand. "O, help me!"
"Here's his hand—"
"My touch is ne gentle!"
"Just hold still—see, he can grab you!"
"His shoulder!"
She helped him feel of one shoulder, then the other. "See, his shoulders are fine. What?"
"How long before we must lose him? O, Father Of All, help us!"' His anguished face got me.
"Ryee, he's healthy."
"Healthy? But, shoulder or heart—"
Laura held his head. "Buddy, Pirad fixed the Yeff. No more heart defects. No more shoulder defects. Feel that?" She slid her fingers around his right shoulder and pressed.
He opened his orange eyes wide. "Ne pain? You pressed, and I have ne pains? My bae is well?"
He looked at Deb, who nodded. "Yes, Viad is healthy! He'll live as long as you!"
He pulled her hand up to Adia's. "Will Ay live?"
"Yes! When she ages some, Pirad can reclone her. You'll both live long lives. So will your kids!" Deb smiled, but looked worried.
She took his hand. "Hi, Ryee." Her brown eyes had the soft look.
"Is Ni well?"
"Yes. Jarfus seems to understand us even better than Wally—"
That giant white walrus galloped in and clambered onto the bed. His tail-flipper shoved me, but he reached over with his flipper and put me back on my leiwege. "Oh, I'm dreadfully sorry! I guess I'm a bit clumsy when I'm not on ice. I keep overcompensating!" His flippers were soft and furry.
"You live on ice?" I giggled.
"Mike and I are from Maira! I love the ice, but comfort progs work. I would enjoy sliding on this eaezhfee if the ship weren't crowded. Someone said Ryee made an ice skating rink! I would love to try it! I can carry many children on my back, if I can learn not to be clumsy."
"We can do that with progs, Jarfus." Deb smiled and brought up a prog screen.
Jarfus learned to do it, too, but he did a lot more lines. Deb watched with a smile.
Ryee watched them with a frown.
"What'sa matter, Buddy?"
Ryee sighed. "How long before I recover?" His orange eyes filled.
"You can get up and walk around, it if doesn't make your head hurt worse. Jo, how long before we leave?"
"We can leave when we wish. Molly, I advise that you go to Goes' ship before we lift, though."

Kia's Biehshah Gift
Science FictionKia's getting a lawsuit when Irdaktin offers to pay for her co-worker's damage at her workplace. He shows her a future where her healing skills save him and his Biehshah Colony. Garat, Minister Of Leheren, threatens rulers hosting Biehshah Colony. N...