Herdyyyatth bowed and where his six neon yellow arms came together was a star-shaped opening, which smiled. "Hello! I am Herdyyyath! You may call me Herdy as Molly does, everyone! In this future I didn't get hurt as badly and I learned from my wife Siadiasly how to be polite as she is." When we stood from our bows, he stood upright and towered above us. Zbbat are about 12 feet tall!
"Hi, Herdy!" I stuck out my hand for a handshake. "I'm Kia, Governess of Biehshah Ye~."
He shook my hand with a tentacle. Each of his six arms had six fingers, and one of them gave me a firm, but not too firm, handshake. His skin felt a lot tougher than mine, like stiff leather. "Happy to meet you! I helped you in several healings when you needed extra energy."
Oh, yeah! He came with Molly. But he was very rude and called us stupid in his high-pitched, frenetic babble! This one spoke at our speed and had a deep voice. A very polite tone. Like a different Zbbat!
Another, deep green being hopped from bare spot to bare spot at lightning speed on two giant legs with elephant toes! So fast, I didn't see him coming. Spotted him out of the corner of my eye and by the time I turned my head, he's here! "I am Myenhharhh! Hello!"
The voice kind of confused me because he waved his arms around as he spoke. I finally traced it to his hand-mouths, like stereo!"
"Myen, it might help them if you use one hand. Don't sign to them. They don't know Esteerrian, my friend."
"This is harder for me! I got hurt as a slave. I'm better after I saw a healer in Esteerr Ye~, but I was never a diplomat, I was an herb trader." His left mouth spoke this time, but without facial expressions, it was hard to figure him out. But then I looked at his basketball-sized eyes. They were amber, a very pretty color, and his eyelids scrunched.
Ir beat me to the handshake. "I am Irdaktin, Governor Of Biehshah. Pleased to meet you." He offered his hand.
Myenhharrh patted it with his chin. "Pleased to meet you, Ir-uh—"
My husband smiled. "You may call me Ir, if that is easier. Or should I talk to you in Esteerrian?"
"Ir. No, English is fine. If we talked in Esteerrian, I might need a nap! My healer is not through with me. This mental fighting is hard! I'm directing ten traders to get things for Pirad, so forgive me if I seem distracted." He groaned like someone lifting a crate.
I reached for his hand, too, and he froze. "Careful! My teeth are sharp! Herdy didn't teach me healing yet—"
"And, I won't! Let her touch you and she won't need healing." He sounded a bit impatient.
"Do you have to be rude? Esteerrians are more polite—"
"Who can be polite while fighting a war? All of us are warriors!"
"Well, some Esteerrians are traders, and if you are rude, you lose trade!"
"Elshars are always rude, and I still trade with them. I am very good at insults!"
They did a lot of arm-waving so I think they were talking that way, too. Ir didn't share any of it with me, but his bronze skin got yellow. "Friends, let us not argue—"
"I didn't start it, he did! I like talking to Zbbat women better!"
"If you talk to my wife again, I will challenge you!"
"I am not interested in taking your wife away! While waiting nearly a day for you, she offered me a snack and had questions about Esteerrian trades." His eyes looked up with tight lower eyelids. I almost laughed at the way he threw his arms up! "See? She understands that gesture!" He chuckled with his left hand-mouth.

Kia's Biehshah Gift
Science FictionKia's getting a lawsuit when Irdaktin offers to pay for her co-worker's damage at her workplace. He shows her a future where her healing skills save him and his Biehshah Colony. Garat, Minister Of Leheren, threatens rulers hosting Biehshah Colony. N...