Part 2 Risky Wedding

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Eanne~ paled. "Perhaps I should request Emperor Ry'nao to speak with Leader—"

"Enough of this! I sent ships to retrieve the houses of Biehshah moved to your world, and any who are Biehshah."

"Pardons, Garat, but you cannot. They are citizens of the Alliance, and have rights to emigrate."

"All must return!"

"And you plan to move them to Siotu, where you move all of your enemies? I asked of Theas this morning. He told me he sent a diplomat to Leader Suan and he promised not to retrieve them. Even his lawyers agreed, once a Biehshah wishes to leave his home, he cannot be forced to return. This is only valid in the treaty Fhiah signed with Biehshah, not for any other world. Leader Suan wishes to use Siotu for mining and tires of the expense of maintaining many healers there. He accepted my offer to take all of them, and any others who wish to leave Biehshah. Apparently many Excluded are very unhappy at home and eager to join my colony. We welcome them and their many healers.

"But, I warn you, we will ne allow any automated ships to take Biehshah. We saw what happened in another future—"

"Other future? There is only one, and it has not happened yet!" Garat stomped his foot. Startled as it bounced! I stifled a grin. Mirth left fast when I remembered that tiny ship they wanted to stuff my husband and Der into! It had arms and almost clamped pincers on them! Garat sent that thing.

Eanne~'s golden eyes stared into his bright blue ones.

Garat's eyes opened wide. He paled. Sighed. "My prov will be empty soon, because of this. What you are doing, Irdaktin, is wrong."

"You are a healer. Did you become one to save lives? This new colony, my work, will save lives. You saw it."

He glared at me. "And you think this Earthan, who doesn't even have telepathy, can help you with this insanity? I will watch. And when they die, I will speak to our Council." He walked to another part of the round ship. All the Biehshah stayed over here.

Irdaktin looked sad. "Friends, you will sleep by him, so he won't die?"

They nodded. One sighed. "If there are any he did not Exclude yet."

Der smiled. "Don't worry. Pirad has clones that will sleep with him." They all smiled. Bisillips are cold. Biehshah are warm.

Theapet hugged Ir. "My friend, will you be all right? You are cold!"

"Help me marry my maiden?"

Eanne~ came near us. "I am happy to do this! Irdaktin, take her right hand in your right."

He did, and waved a soft, lacy white wedding gown on me! Held out a necklace with stones of every color I'd seen, and more! "This is for you, my love! These are memory-stones. Merely think to them to record, and they will store memories of our love." He smiled.

I did, too.

Ir looked so handsome in white. His tie was emerald green, my favorite color!

"My son, give your names and titles, and mention the Ancient Protocols of Bisillipia—"

"Bisillipia will not accept it!" Garat scoffed.

"Zhea~ and Ye~, then, and Atlanta."

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