We went back to our room to talk about what to do next, and a Ty'nirrhan brought a group. Many people had happy reunions and Deb sang healing. But, she couldn't bring Greg's clone back. That hit all the half-Ty'nirrhans hard, even the Areonian ones!
Amidst all the crying people, the man stood up. "I have to go back! There are many more we couldn't bring! We came to tell you, Rentappenen is killing all his prisoners!"
I grabbed his arm. He grimaced. Oops! "No! None of you are going back! I won't lose anybody!"
Greg ran in, saw his clone getting waved to stasis, and looked pale! "I agree! All of you, stay here! I am very sorry. We tried to get them all. By now, death orders are all carried out. There is nothing to gain and more to lose!"
People who didn't get all their relatives cried and some got very angry at Greg. "You have to do something! They can't die!"
"We didn't sign up for this! I don't want this Cube!" A man tried to throw his, but it didn't leave his hand. He shook it and got madder. "Let me go!" He cussed and asked his server to destroy it, but it said, "You sound angry. Would you like to speak to a diplomat who knows how a Host can be released?"
"I already did! He said there isn't a way, short of my death! I don't want to die!"
Suma walked to them and got them away from Greg, who shook all over.
"Kia, what should I tell them?" Tears rolled down his cheeks.
I shrugged. "You can't talk to people when they're that upset. Nothing helps knowing your relatives are gonna die. You did everything a leader can do. Just let Suma talk to 'em. It's not you. It's that maniac that wants to destroy everything. What's wrong with him?"
Greg shuddered. "We had peaceful lives and he thought it was boring. None of us know what motivates him, or how to stop him. Levels above us thought that the shame of sending him to lower levels would teach him to act better. I think it made him worse! He found ways to manipulate people. Most people who sit on Councils do not know what greed is. They are eager to work out differences of opinion, and they will wait for solutions. Rentappenen is a new problem, among societies who only see the same problems, civilization after civilization. Their time is measured in eons. No one even thought a person like him could exist. Deb, I-I need an aspirin."
She startled and made him lie down. Poured several drinks down him.
Another man came and checked him. "Greg, you must sleep. Do you trust me?"
"I trust you, Kisu."
"Drink this. You can't fight any more. Let Deb take over."
Deb looked very worried, but she got Greg to drink it and held him as he fell asleep.
Ryonne~ and Eanne~ came and talked to all the upset people and they calmed down. Suma talked to them about grief. "It's normal to be angry, when you lose people you love." Her brown eyes filled with tears. It feels so weird, but everybody cries now that they've lived with Zheien. Even I get teary a lot more now.
"Hug each other. Don't be afraid to show how you feel. A lot of you already know this, if you came from outside the United States. You Areonians need to learn. Emotions don't go away if you ignore them. You get headaches. Your stomach hurts. Maybe your whole body hurts!
"All of you need to confide in someone. I'm available, if you don't have a relative who's willing to listen, and I had a lot of clones. Some are dead, but I've had new ones showing up even here." She indicated about 20 duplicate her's outside in the hall.
People openly cried, even men, which surprised me! Men from the US always think they have to be tough and most would rather die than shed a tear.
I cried, too and let Ir hold me. If they can take people from Alb, what's to stop Rentappenen from sending an army to get us? Security is a big, black hole I don't understand!

Kia's Biehshah Gift
Science FictionKia's getting a lawsuit when Irdaktin offers to pay for her co-worker's damage at her workplace. He shows her a future where her healing skills save him and his Biehshah Colony. Garat, Minister Of Leheren, threatens rulers hosting Biehshah Colony. N...