More people got married. We all watched. Ir kept an arm around me and I kept my hand on his. That felt so good, that his hand stayed there except to stroke my fingers or give a squeeze. When I was goin' with Randy, his hands constantly annoyed me, wanderin'. I enjoyed my husband's arm across my back. Not heavy. He smells good, not sweaty and insisting on a hug before he hit the shower. I shouldn't be doin' comparisons, but I couldn't help it.
In Rainbow I could always cry on Ir's shoulder when things didn't go right. Best listener ever! He always said what I need to hear, even if it was something I needed to change. Mostly, he saw my talents and reassured me they were enough. That's all I ever wanted.
Daddy never had much time at home, so he felt like he had to find all the things I did wrong and correct 'em all at once.
Mama was patient and kind, and let a lot of things go. If she got upset, it was big. My mother was an expert at knowing when I was beating myself up and getting me to ease up. Concentrate on next time, she told me. You can't change this time, but you can make it better next time.
It dawned on me that our colony is all next time. We can change some things to make it work better because it's our next time.
But what about Adia, what about Ray and Rentappenen, is there anything I can do about that? I wasn't there, so I didn't see it. They are the ones who have to tackle those next times.
Pirad brought a bunch of Bisillips to meet that girl with the two red braids. Why her?
Molly found a friend and talked to her. A bunch of young people ported in together.
Ir said, "Kia, soon we will get on the ship. Is there something you want from Earth? Our Yeff friends will buy anything you want."
I shook my head and held his hand up. "You're all I need. In Rainbow they had things from Earth in the market. I never once traded with 'em." Sometimes I did that, once I learned not to hurt people with my telepathy. I did learn, didn't I?
Molly fell and Binneas caught her! What's wrong with Molly? Something just happened. I felt it! People are staring at 'em. But I noticed that Ray startled in her room as she's trading with her husband, Asha. He's Elshar Zheien and yellow like my husband. In Pirad's Lab, Deb, Greg and Briahh startled. They work in there now. Deb delivered babies in Rainbow. When I killed Opseh Wenh Cet, she was in there with me. His clone's trying to get in my head, right now!
Suma ran out of her room to Molly.
But Goes came with Penny and Molly ran over there, so she must be okay. They got married and every eye on the ship was on 'em.
I looked over at Ray. She looked scared, and so did her husband. They're trading with an Aryllan, they are gray-skinned. Scary! But his fingernails weren't long. That's all people talked about—
Those beady black eyes fixed on me.
I heard a voice that chilled me. Where is she?! I will find her! A male scream startled me!
I looked up and saw the red-braided girl. Thin. Sweating so much, like rain on the red-violet floor. She smiled at Ray and vanished. No portal?
Adia is crying on Ryonne~'s chest. He's unconscious. Pas, their healer—he's crying, too! What just happened? Ry'nao picked Ryonne~ up and Pas carried Adia. Binneas helped Molly up. Our eyes met. She's scared.
Ray and Asha finished their trades and Pirad ran in there. I shouldn't be staring. Am I thinking too loud?
Another Adia and Ryee went to Laura and they ported. I saw them appear on the porch of that house.

Kia's Biehshah Gift
Science FictionKia's getting a lawsuit when Irdaktin offers to pay for her co-worker's damage at her workplace. He shows her a future where her healing skills save him and his Biehshah Colony. Garat, Minister Of Leheren, threatens rulers hosting Biehshah Colony. N...